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Posted (edited)

Hi all.

I have an unslightly bump in the outer rubber on the top of the door and would like to replace it.

It's part number 996 537 086 07.

Do I have to remove the inner door panel to replace this? has anyone done one?

Any advice welcome.


Edited by brucey
I haven't done it but the book says under 1 hour labor and you do have to remove the inner door panel (to get to a clip as I recall).

Thanks Loren.

Have had a good look through all the guides for taking the inner door out - what's the chance I'll snap a fastener or something in the process!!??

Thanks again.

The older the car the more brittle the plastic becomes.

If your car were a MY99 I would say guaranteed.

MY02, so I guess it's a maybe!!


Posted (edited)

Bruce, why do you want to replace it? cause its catching the window on the way down? if so, this is how i fixed it without replacing the seal...

"I had that same problem with my drivers side window all the time on my boxster... I cured this by waxing the windows with "Turtle Wax Platinum Liquid Wax" its for waxing the body of the car. I waxed them up really good, even on the seal too cause the liquid wax wont stain black rubbers, the wax actually came off easy and made the seal look like i ArmerAll'd it. now the rubber seal just glides extra smooth against the window without catching and being pulled down. Guess the window gets rough enough to catch it on the way down. Anyway, problem solved."

Edited by CJ_Boxster
Bruce, why do you want to replace it?

Thanks for the reply. I have a lump in it - as per the other poster.

I have seen this before on cars where water gets under the seal and the steel core (if it has one) rusts and blisters.

I have tried pushing it down, but it's a hard lump about 5-10mm across. It has also gone a little dull due to me messing with it, so it stands out even more - usual sort of thing!

So - it's just me being VERY picky about the car to be honest.

I guess I will replace it though, as there doesn't seem to be anything non-replaceable that could get broken - just plastic clips and the like.

I might even fit the carbon fibre side pod lid and C handles at the same time :)



I know exactly what you're talking about.

I have the same unsightly bumps in mine when the bodyshop removed it to fix and paint my door recently.

I had the door panel all out then but didn't have the part so I didn't do it. And I thought it might straighten out with time, but seems it's not going to!

Let me know how much you pay for the weather strip.

I think it runs along the window starting from the side mirror, and all the way down the side and under the door.

All one-piece.

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