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Posted (edited)

Several issues in my "new" '99 C2 manual 996 coupe. Coolant light has flashed on several occasions when coolant level was low. Debated if a coolant cap problem vs cracked coolant tank problem. I replaced old style "00" coolant tank cap with "01" style and cleaned some old run off on undersurface of tank. Still not sure about tank integrity but level seems to be stabilizing after switching cap, adding coolant and using purge valve. I did find older TSB which stated that my old style tank was associated with flashing coolant light but now here is the real problem. When I went to add coolant last week, I looked into the coolant tank and noticed something floating on the coolant (I am all of 3 weeks into porsche ownership by the way) and am now wondering if rather than having a coolant tank leak (or in addition to a tank leak), I have an intermix problem. Temperature is running b/t 0 and 8 unless really hot outside and in slow traffic then runs on right side of the 0.

To recap: intermittent flashing coolant light ; dropping coolant levels; Oil temp mostly ok except on really hot days then just to right of 0; brown stuff floating on coolant; oil level stable and oil looks ok on dipstick; really hope I'm a paranoid new Porsche owner that has been reading too much but would appreciate your thoughts on where to go from here.

the photos of the coolant were taken tonight and have been stable in appearance for past week (since I've been looking). And no, did not get compression and leak down tests after things looked so good on PPI.




Edited by drive4fun

I suggest you get your car checked by your mechanic. That’s just how my coolant looked. I had the dredged intermix problem and had to have my engine replaced. It doesn’t look IMO. I had the same issues. Started with flashing temp light, added more coolant, light started flashing again after a few miles, brow stuff floating in coolant tank and light brown substance on the dipstick.

Good luck.


I suggest you get your car checked by your mechanic. That’s just how my coolant looked. I had the dredged intermix problem and had to have my engine replaced. It doesn’t look IMO. I had the same issues. Started with flashing temp light, added more coolant, light started flashing again after a few miles, brow stuff floating in coolant tank and light brown substance on the dipstick.

Good luck.


Lee this is exactly what has just happened to my 1999 996 Cabriolet. I am fearful that this is the infamous engine sleeve problem that has been plagueing 996's and Boxters.

Did you try Porsche to see what they had to say?

I am thinking of starting a world wide campaign to sortthis out. Porsche know this is a problem and in some cases are making ex gratoa payments out of warranty and in others are not.

It stinks.


Yes it’s a **** shame. I called and wrote letters Porsche Cars North America to no avail. I got the standard we don’t provide “good will” support on out of warranty cars. I wasn’t looking for a hand out but, at the same time I didn’t think that Porsche should profit on replacing an engine that shouldn’t have failed in the first place. No street driven car should have it’s engine fail at only 69K miles IMHO.

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