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I am a newbie to this site ...but not to Porsche.

The CEL on my 2002 C2 cab came on. Durometric shows fault codes 360 and 361....oxygen sensing adaptation.Re-set light but it came on again after a few days.Car sporadically emits unbelievable amount of smoke at start up,which dissappears in a minute or so.

I have read the various posts re smoke on start-up.

Could malfunctioning oxygen sensors contibute to the smoke? My read of other posts seems to indicate that even though the oxgen sensors code appears that doesnt mean that they may be the source of the problem.Looks beyond my abilities to address.

Would it be foolish to attempt to drive the car to the dealer,some 300 miles away?Or should I simply have it trucked there?

This site is truly amazing and reaffirms that driving a Porsche is more than an individual experience.

Thanks so much


Faulty o2 sensor might cause the engine to run too rich. The exaust will smell like gasoline in this situation. However, if you're burning oil/coolant it can cause o2 sensor to die.

So, it all depends on what kind of smoke you're seeing.

  • Admin

P1128 and P1130 can be caused by a bad MAF or even a bad oil separator.

Does the car run ok up to fairly high RPMs? - if not, it is likely the MAF.

P1128 and P1130 can be caused by a bad MAF or even a bad oil separator.

Does the car run ok up to fairly high RPMs? - if not, it is likely the MAF.

Thanks for the input .There might be a slightly rougher idle...very imperceptible but the engine appears to run fine at higher rpms.the smoke is somewhat bluish and strong smelling but not really an oil smell.Of course running mobil 0.

P1128 and P1130 can be caused by a bad MAF or even a bad oil separator.

Does the car run ok up to fairly high RPMs? - if not, it is likely the MAF.

Thanks for the input .There might be a slightly rougher idle...very imperceptible but the engine appears to run fine at higher rpms.the smoke is somewhat bluish and strong smelling but not really an oil smell.Of course running mobil 0.

by the way the actual codes are p0172 and p0175 which seem to be fault codes 360 and 361 respectively ,indicating idle range banks 1 and 2 below limit.

  • Admin
P1128 and P1130 can be caused by a bad MAF or even a bad oil separator.

Does the car run ok up to fairly high RPMs? - if not, it is likely the MAF.

Thanks for the input .There might be a slightly rougher idle...very imperceptible but the engine appears to run fine at higher rpms.the smoke is somewhat bluish and strong smelling but not really an oil smell.Of course running mobil 0.

by the way the actual codes are p0172 and p0175 which seem to be fault codes 360 and 361 respectively ,indicating idle range banks 1 and 2 below limit.

I believe you are mistaken...

From the DME service manual:


P1128 (DTC 360) Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 1 - Below Limit

Possible fault causes:

- Incorrect signal from MAF sensor

- Intake air system leaking

- Fuel pressure too low

- Volume supply of fuel pump too low

- Fuel injectors fouled

- PCV valve leaks

- Cap of oil filler neck not closed correctly or seal is damaged

P1130 (DTC 361) Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 2 - Below Limit

Possible fault causes:

- Incorrect signal from MAF sensor

- Fuel pressure too high

- Fuel injector leaking

- EVAP canister purge valve open

P1128 and P1130 can be caused by a bad MAF or even a bad oil separator.

Does the car run ok up to fairly high RPMs? - if not, it is likely the MAF.

Thanks for the input .There might be a slightly rougher idle...very imperceptible but the engine appears to run fine at higher rpms.the smoke is somewhat bluish and strong smelling but not really an oil smell.Of course running mobil 0.

by the way the actual codes are p0172 and p0175 which seem to be fault codes 360 and 361 respectively ,indicating idle range banks 1 and 2 below limit.

I believe you are mistaken...

From the DME service manual:


P1128 (DTC 360) Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 1 - Below Limit

Possible fault causes:

- Incorrect signal from MAF sensor

- Intake air system leaking

- Fuel pressure too low

- Volume supply of fuel pump too low

- Fuel injectors fouled

- PCV valve leaks

- Cap of oil filler neck not closed correctly or seal is damaged

P1130 (DTC 361) Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 2 - Below Limit

Possible fault causes:

- Incorrect signal from MAF sensor

- Fuel pressure too high

- Fuel injector leaking

- EVAP canister purge valve open

Thanks Loren.I will recheck ... but how does P0172 /P0175 differ from P1128/ P1130 referencing Oxygen sensing adaptation,etc.?

  • Admin

If P1128 or P1110 (oxygen sensing at rich threshold) is stored in the memory, this means that the fuel/air mixture is too lean. That is, the DME can not adjust for the lean condition by adding more fuel (richening). Usually caused by air leaks ahead of the O2 sensors.

Porsche does not use P0172 or P0175 are OBD II codes for "too rich" a mixture.

If P1128 or P1110 (oxygen sensing at rich threshold) is stored in the memory, this means that the fuel/air mixture is too lean. That is, the DME can not adjust for the lean condition by adding more fuel (richening). Usually caused by air leaks ahead of the O2 sensors.

Porsche does not use P0172 or P0175 are OBD II codes for "too rich" a mixture.

Sorry Loren I am confused.When I look up the engine codes for the DME 7.8 per the Quick Menu, OBD II P-code P0172 states oxygen sensing adaptation Idle range,bank 1-below limit and P0172 is the same except for bank1.

My point is that if your DTC codes are 360 and 361 then the OBD II fault codes are not P0172 and P0175.

Loren,You were correct , I screwed up the fault codes.Will I do damage to the engine if I attempt to drive to the dealer,some 300+ miles away with fault codes 360/361 showing?

You should be ok - as long as the CEL is not flashing.

I called the dealer.Service manager is sending me a MAF.Thanks for all of the advice,Loren.

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