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Dear All

Does the PCM2 in a 996 support the Orange Phone service?

I insert the SIM into the lot, and all I get is a "Checking SIM" message constantly displayed.

I have tried a T-mobile SIM and I get the same result.

Any ideas??




Hi Loren

Apparently Orange will work on the PCM2 unit.

I had a local garage plug in the PST2 and there were no errors reported.

The screen (with or without a SIM inserted) stays with mesg "Checking SIM"

Someone mentioned that it was also possible to put a SIM directly into the Unit under the seat... is that true?

Thanks for you help.


  • Admin

Are you sure your PCM2 is properly coded for telephone service?

You need to have them check (with a PST2 or PIWIS) the MOST coding to make sure it is set for telephone service and that it is recognized in the MOST components test.

Are you sure your PCM2 is properly coded for telephone service?

You need to have them check (with a PST2 or PIWIS) the MOST coding to make sure it is set for telephone service and that it is recognized in the MOST components test.

Yesterday, I drove my car and had a conversation by phone with my girlfriend. It worked perfectly.

But Today, there is the same message 'Checking SIM'

I get off the card and put into the PCM II again and again, as the first day I used the phone, but It doesn't work

What do you think is coming?


I also have some issues with the sim card slot of my PCM2 unit: the sim card is also suddenly "unreadable" as the unit says it cannot find a sim card or the sim card is unreadable...

hopefully, it's working fine 90% of the time but all suddenly I got the problem and have to eject and re-insert the sim card...

maybe try a contact cleaner to see if it's get better ?

the sim card "drawer" has some tiny metallic parts inside that could be dirty or something...

mine is a "recent" unit: from a MY2004 car, pretty unacceptable for such expensive cars

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I'm from Singapore and have got a 996 C4S. I had the same problem with my SIM card slot. Couldn't read the SIM card intermittently, then finally one day it decided to give up the ghost and became permanently unreadable.

Brought it back to the Porsche dealer, the long and short was they had to install a new PCM2 Phone module. S$3800!!

Unfortunately, I had no choice as I cannot stand any part of my car malfunctioning!

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a PCM 1, but have had similar problems with an "Orange" SIM. It does not recognise it at all and quotes the message you mention. I came to the conclusion that it only works on Vodafone and BT (O2). You can find this out by doing a scan of available operators (on PCM1 at least). It only ever finds Voda and BT (O2) and when i have used my Voda SIM (only ever briefly and not for prelonged period) i have had no problems. Maybe this is just luck at this time though??

  • 3 weeks later...

I took the car to OPC and they recommend that I replace the PCM2 Unit.... Apparently PCM2 does support Orange, T-mobile, O2 and Vodaphone.

They did try and replace the privacy handset... apparently this causes the "Checking SIM" message under warranty... apparently part of a recall programme.

I have the Dension GW500 installed so I might skip replacing the PCM2 unit and instead opt for the Bluetooth bolt-on.

If anyone does find out how to solve the "Checking Sim" message, drop me a line on Shap@blueyonder.co.uk


Posted (edited)

In search of the 2nd SIM slot, the phone module underneath the drivers seat (UK) does have a 2nd SIM slot.

The unit is manufactured by Motorola, Harmann and Becker Porsche P/N: 996.642.207.01

I've included a pic with the 2nd SIM slot popped out



Edited by Shap

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