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I have read the numerous threads here related to the OBC hack. I had my car in the shop doing some maintenance and asked them if they would turn on my OBC. Also asked about a 4 stalk for my car. I was told that a 4 stalk was not compatible with my car and that it didn't have an OBC. Can anyone confirm that a 99 996 cabrio with tip was ship with the OBC? Thanks. BTW, not sure why the car would come with the outside temp sensor if it didn't have the OBC.


  • Moderators

You need to find another shop. All 986/996 have the OBC - it is a simple matter of turning it on. All 986/996 can be retrofitted with the 4 stalk steering column switch assembly. Problem is, shops are not trained on how to do it as it is not an official Porsche retrofit. That is why 99.9% of the owners end up doing it themselves.

If you want to come an visit on July 28th we are doing the retrofit with stalk on 1 and maybe 2 cars. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14592

Why you have the outside temp sensor if the car did not come with the OBC option is interesting. I can tell you what I know if you REALLY want to know, since it has nothing to do with your question.

You need to find another shop. All 986/996 have the OBC - it is a simple matter of turning it on. All 986/996 can be retrofitted with the 4 stalk steering column switch assembly. Problem is, shops are not trained on how to do it as it is not an official Porsche retrofit. That is why 99.9% of the owners end up doing it themselves.

If you want to come an visit on July 28th we are doing the retrofit with stalk on 1 and maybe 2 cars. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14592

Why you have the outside temp sensor if the car did not come with the OBC option is interesting. I can tell you what I knoe if you REALLY want to know, since it has nothing to do with your questio.

Thanks Jeff you confirmed what I thought. I figured that they would turn it on for me at no additional cost since they were doing the 60k maint. and were going to have to hook it up to the tester anyway. I really just wanted it turned on so I could do the hack in the future.


You need to find another shop. All 986/996 have the OBC - it is a simple matter of turning it on. All 986/996 can be retrofitted with the 4 stalk steering column switch assembly. Problem is, shops are not trained on how to do it as it is not an official Porsche retrofit. That is why 99.9% of the owners end up doing it themselves.

If you want to come an visit on July 28th we are doing the retrofit with stalk on 1 and maybe 2 cars. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14592

Why you have the outside temp sensor if the car did not come with the OBC option is interesting. I can tell you what I knoe if you REALLY want to know, since it has nothing to do with your questio.

Thanks Jeff you confirmed what I thought. I figured that they would turn it on for me at no additional cost since they were doing the 60k maint. and were going to have to hook it up to the tester anyway. I really just wanted it turned on so I could do the hack in the future.


If all you want is the outside temp display, just having it turned on will achieve that. Of course, if you want full OBC functionality with original look, the 4-stalk conversion is a nice hack. I did it several years ago, when I first got my 2001. One thing I would mention is that you should definitely solder your connections and cover then with heat-shrink tubing when you make up your wiring harness -- rather than crimp-on connectors. Also, if you wrap your wiring harness in friction tape (vs. electrical tape), you'll have a very professional wiring harness.


If all you want is the outside temp display, just having it turned on will achieve that. Of course, if you want full OBC functionality with original look, the 4-stalk conversion is a nice hack. I did it several years ago, when I first got my 2001. One thing I would mention is that you should definitely solder your connections and cover then with heat-shrink tubing when you make up your wiring harness -- rather than crimp-on connectors. Also, if you wrap your wiring harness in friction tape (vs. electrical tape), you'll have a very professional wiring harness.

What I was trying to acheive was getting the OBC turned on so that I could do the hack in the future. The dealer told me that there was no OBC on my car and that it was not compatible. I realize that I would only have outside temp until doing the hack. Thanks for the additional wiring info.


  • Admin

I have never seen a US 996 Carrera that couldn't have your OBC turned on. I have done it many many times.

You should look for a new dealer or an independent shop that has a PST2 or PIWIS tester - this in not even a 5 minute job.

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