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Hi All,

I've just finished fitting a short shift kit to my 987S , and have to say that I'm very impressed and pleased with the results. Fitting the kit is relatively straight forward , though the instructions supplied referred to a 986/ 996 rather than a 997/987. From what I can see the main differences are the trim removal procedures, the actual selector assembly and linkages are almost , if not identical. It takes about 3-4 hours to fit the new gear selector and the result is a reduction in fore/aft movement of about 1.5 inches travel. This is actually quite a lot when you are driving the car , and the gearchanges are much more precise. I did't feel that the selection of gears was notchy at all, though reverse is now a definite action and much easier to differentiate between First gear when parking.


nice. i was wondering if you've tried the 997 manual and could tell me if the short shift kit now resembles it? i noticed that my 987 shifter is notchier and less refined than the 997's; is the new SS kit smoother than the original, or just shorter? btw, which brand did you get?

  • Admin
nice. i was wondering if you've tried the 997 manual and could tell me if the short shift kit now resembles it? i noticed that my 987 shifter is notchier and less refined than the 997's; is the new SS kit smoother than the original, or just shorter? btw, which brand did you get?
The 997 and 987 use the exact same parts for the shifter. Are you sure one did not have the sport shifter?

I've only driven a 997 Targa 4 in the newest model and not sure if this was fitted with a short shift , but it did feel a shorter throw than my 987 at the time. I purchased the B and M kit from E bay , which seemed to be one of the better made offerings. From what I'ver seen all aftermarket kits seem to offer the same product design just differing prices and materials. Only porsche offer a complete assembly rather than chopping out the existing shifter. I'm pleased with the result and in no way is the selection of gear compromised , its just slightly more effort as you would expect.


Sat in a new boxster with a (Porsche) short shift at the weekend , the gearbox feels a little tighter (slightly less free play in the stich when in gear) , but this may have something to do with using the original ball sockets on the shift mechanism when i fitted the short shift. Certainly no difference to my aftermarket kit on the effort required to change gear or the distance of the throw. Comparing the money saving i'd say its still excellent value for money !

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