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Problem I installed a used DME/alarm/key out of a 1999 996 coupe into my 2000 996 coupe the dealer (porscha) says that they can communicate with the DME but it will not accept the Codes for that 1999 VIN and think it is not the right VIN # for the 1999. I called LA Porche back and they verified that is the right Vin number. Is there something I or they are missing. Any immediate help appreciated since they are awaiting a reply.

  • Admin

1. Do you have a charger on the car?

The PST2 (or PIWIS) will not let you program the DME, alarm, or keys unless it sees a voltage above 12 volts.

2. So you are trying to put a DME 5.2.2 non-egas DME in an egas car?


The battery was full when I took the car there couple of weeks ago but maybe low now and yes it is a non-egas going in but porsxh says that is not a problem because they can reprogram with new 2000 settings

  • Admin

In every case I have seen MUST put a battery maintainer on the car to program it. I think this is a safety feature so that you don't corrupt the DME.


Thanks Loren at least I can make sure they are doing that, I hopefully will be talking with he Lead Tech soon. LA Porsche said that the car that the DME was out of was hit on the oppisite side, but since it still communictes I think the DME is alright. Just guessing here. And thanks for the qwik reply.

Thanks Loren at least I can make sure they are doing that, I hopefully will be talking with he Lead Tech soon. LA Porsche said that the car that the DME was out of was hit on the oppisite side, but since it still communictes I think the DME is alright. Just guessing here. And thanks for the qwik reply.

Just curious, why do you need or want a dme that is wrong for your car? The dealer guys Know what there doing, and if they said there waiting on you for a response-- doesnt make sense, they have factory engineers via Ptec avialable to answer any and all there questions. Maybe they are just dragging this out.


Sounds fishy to me, an early 5.2.2 DME cannot be reprogrammed with the PST to operate a 2000 egas car that ran a 7.2 DME. Are you sure the 1999 DME isn't from an egas C4?

Also if the DME was replaced in the donor car, the programming codes may no longer correspond to the car's VIN. It is easy enough to check the VIN of the car that the DME came from, just go to Vehicle data and look at the VIN present. If it doesn't correspond to the VIN that LA Porsche gave you, try getting the codes for the vin present in the DME. Also many times when a DME is replaced with a new one, people will not enter the old programming code, leaving it the default zeros. They could try that as well.

As Loren states, all the conditions on the PST2, charger on, loads off etc, must be met as the PST2 looks for a minimal voltage signal before allowing programming.


Sounds fishy to me, an early 5.2.2 DME cannot be reprogrammed with the PST to operate a 2000 egas car that ran a 7.2 DME. Are you sure the 1999 DME isn't from an egas C4?

Also if the DME was replaced in the donor car, the programming codes may no longer correspond to the car's VIN. It is easy enough to check the VIN of the car that the DME came from, just go to Vehicle data and look at the VIN present. If it doesn't correspond to the VIN that LA Porsche gave you, try getting the codes for the vin present in the DME. Also many times when a DME is replaced with a new one, people will not enter the old programming code, leaving it the default zeros. They could try that as well.

As Loren states, all the conditions on the PST2, charger on, loads off etc, must be met as the PST2 looks for a minimal voltage signal before allowing programming.


Yes, something was off I needed to find who's information was correct porscha or LA Dismantlers (Trust but validate theory) Porsche says wrong VIN and LA Dismatlers doubled checked and said it was correct. After finding out that the battery was on a charger during the programming phase I was out of options so I asked to double check the PN#s for my model and they are correct 605-00 and this was used on the 1999 C4 up to 2001 C2. Well I made one more call to LA Dismantlers and spoke with Todd which has been working on them for 20 years and just happened to have the Porscha Tech there and Tod told him how to extract the VIN from the DME from donor DME, he said using PWIIS that before you go into the programming area that he could go into the SYSTEM info and it would read out the DME VIN in the car which it did and YES it was different on what they told me on the phone from LA dismantlers earlier, anyway it is now reprogrammed with 2000 new data but it runs like crap. I am alittle weary of the porsche guys because when I went back in there where the cars are being worked on (my car was not present) the tech told me that the vins where completely different from what I gave him and what he read out via PWIIS. What came to my mind was this 1. Why did he not know how to do this. with 9 years experience And 2. How did he know the VIN"S where different without getting my car back in the shop and hooked up to PWIIS usless he could record past attempts at reprogramming. Not accusing just suggesting here. At present it is misfiring mostly 1, and 3, O2 sensor error on same bank the cams are showing no deviation readings along with the crank position "no readings at all" also fuel pressure was about 3.8 bar but it fluctuated allot. Well I should have taken pictures of the readings to post anyway that was enough frustration for one day. Thanks for everyones feedback.

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