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The only packs of 3m tape I have found are 5 feet long and the skirt if about 5feet 10/11 inches. Where does the tape run from and how far down from the top of the piece should it be placed. The whole length of the skirt or just twords the back where the TSB indicates you need to "roll" the skirt. I'm guessing you don't put it in the areas are on inside the wheel arch since there are bolts...





just bought another 996 that has the GT3 package already on it but the sideskirts son't seem to fit flush in a couple of places due to sparing use of tape by the installer. so i'm going to reinstall them myself but don't have the instructions - you think you could make a copy of them and fax them to my home? shoot me a PM if that's cool and I'll give you my number

i'm hoping they say something about the adhesive tape pasrt number as Sunset Posrche Parts has located several different adhesive tapes varying in price from $50 to $215 so I' dlike to buy the right on the first time



just bought another 996 that has the GT3 package already on it but the sideskirts son't seem to fit flush in a couple of places due to sparing use of tape by the installer. so i'm going to reinstall them myself but don't have the instructions - you think you could make a copy of them and fax them to my home? shoot me a PM if that's cool and I'll give you my number

i'm hoping they say something about the adhesive tape pasrt number as Sunset Posrche Parts has located several different adhesive tapes varying in price from $50 to $215 so I' dlike to buy the right on the first time


Interesting they found adhesive part numbers.... Suncoast said they couldn't find them....

What part numbers I'd like to check them in the PET CD. I think the reason my one side doesn't flush is because mine has been reinstalled when I had the clear redone on my quarter. They used a full length of tape, but I'm thinking it's too high on the skirt so it's thickness is involved. I'm guessing there is an exact height it needs to be put on. The TSB for the aerokit doesn't mention it and I don't have a newer workshop manual for the 996 that would cover the aerokit II skirts, maybe someone here can help us.

  • Admin

If you want a really tight fit then have a body shop epoxy glue them in place. That is the way the original factory aerokits were and they fit very tight.

The reason I say body shop is that if you use the epoxy glue then they will need to be clamped/taped in place for 24 hours to cure.

If you want a really tight fit then have a body shop epoxy glue them in place. That is the way the original factory aerokits were and they fit very tight.

The reason I say body shop is that if you use the epoxy glue then they will need to be clamped/taped in place for 24 hours to cure.

My factory ones weren't and I ordered the car with the flared sideskirts. Also If it's glued into place, what happens if it needs to be removed? Also do you have the instructions for the epoxy?

  • Admin

The early cars through 2001 were epoxied at the factory. Who knows maybe they just wanted to save time and money - it is obvious (at least to me) that the double-stick tape side-skirts don't fit as well as the epoxied ones.

There are two sets of instruction TSBs - one for the newer style and one for the early style. Look for the Aerokit Cup TSB.

The epoxy can be removed - certainly not as easy as the double-stick tape but they can be removed.


i'll call tomorrow and get the part numbers for the different adhesive tapes. i found out one part is a double sided adhesive tape that costs approx $55 per side. the other part is listed as an adhesive kit that costs approx $215

i'll call tomorrow and get the part numbers for the different adhesive tapes. i found out one part is a double sided adhesive tape that costs approx $55 per side. the other part is listed as an adhesive kit that costs approx $215

I'm guessing the adhesive kit is for the MKI Aerokit. The MKII uses tape. Also see if you can get them to send you a copy of the book on how to install the tape so that it's placed in just the right spot. I'm thinking that is the trick. I didn't have a problem with mine till it was removed once and reinstalled.

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