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Posted (edited)

hey everybody, i just picked up a 1999 996 cab a little while ago. its a great car, fun to drive and of course its a porsche. on the freeway yesterday i noticed while sitting in traffic, the voltage meter was under 12 volts. when i got out of gridlock, it was 13 or so and fine all day. today i noticed the same problem while on the street and this time, when i jumped on the freeway at high speeds, instead of voltage rising to normal, it continued to drop to 10. the cars dash lights all appeared and soon thereafter, the motor died and i coasted to a stop.

i did notice that right before it died, the car jolted and the voltage was normal for a few seconds until i let off the gas. the car has 64k miles. Anyone know the cause and problem? if it is the alternator, whats my expected $$$ cost?

i read on some other posts including boxster posts, thatit could be a smaller inexpensive diy part like the regulator. what can be checked before bringing it in? even with a jumper power pack, the warning lights stay on after being started.

i have a mechanic for all my other cars, but if some one has a porsche guy they use and swear by in the los angeles area (sf valley specifically) i ll check the out.

Edited by pajamaguy28
hey everybody, i just picked up a 1999 996 cab a little while ago. its a great car, fun to drive and of course its a porsche. on the freeway yesterday i noticed while sitting in traffic, the voltage meter was under 12 volts. when i got out of gridlock, it was 13 or so and fine all day. today i noticed the same problem while on the street and this time, when i jumped on the freeway at high speeds, instead of voltage rising to normal, it continued to drop to 10. the cars dash lights all appeared and soon thereafter, the motor died and i coasted to a stop.

i did notice that right before it died, the car jolted and the voltage was normal for a few seconds until i let off the gas. the car has 64k miles. Anyone know the cause and problem? if it is the alternator, whats my expected $$$ cost?

i read on some other posts including boxster posts, thatit could be a smaller inexpensive diy part like the regulator. what can be checked before bringing it in? even with a jumper power pack, the warning lights stay on after being started.

i have a mechanic for all my other cars, but if some one has a porsche guy they use and swear by in the los angeles area (sf valley specifically) i ll check the out.

I bet alternator - why? cus you have just described exactly what happened to me last week! Cost? well I am in the UK so we pay more than you guys but if I convert the sterling I would have paid if the car hadn't had warranty it would be around $1300 so no cheap fix

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