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C4S 2002

25k miles-all on highways

so far

PCM-glitched software had to be reinstalled

both keys - not working

seat memory- not working

brackets on both tails pipes - cracked

RMS- leaked, replaced at 22k

Clutch- cracked pressure plate- replaced entire clutch

roof- rattling as hell with no way to find source

even after RMS replacement engine eats 1L/600miles

o boy, am i looking at new transmission/engine in the next 10k?

  • Admin

Here is my two cents...

Are you the first owner?

PCM-glitched software had to be reinstalled -- most likely your dealer never did the TSB updates to your PCM when it was under warranty (shame on the dealer).

both keys - not working

seat memory- not working -- most likely related to a key problem.

brackets on both tails pipes - cracked -- perhaps you are someone else backed into a curb. I've never seem one of these cracked from normal use.

RMS- leaked, replaced at 22k -- this is a known problem and the latest seal (if that is what they used) usually solves the problem.

Clutch- cracked pressure plate- replaced entire clutch -- never seen one that cracked that wasn't abused. The clutches in these cars can easily go over 100K miles - if they are not abused.

roof- rattling as hell with no way to find source -- your dealer needs to read his TSBs. These problems have been covered and solved.

even after RMS replacement engine eats 1L/600miles -- so that says the car does not leak oil any longer - but does not mean it is not burning oil.



both keys - not working

seat memory- not working -- most likely related to a key problem.-----

>>keys replaced, followed all posts from this forum - could not get memory working

brackets on both tails pipes - cracked -- perhaps you are someone else backed into a curb. I've never seem one of these cracked from normal use.---

>> not the case, and they cracked 5k apart from each other one at the welding point the other under clamp (these are brackets that are welded to the last piece of pipe)

RMS- leaked, replaced at 22k -- this is a known problem and the latest seal (if that is what they used) usually solves the problem.

Clutch- cracked pressure plate- replaced entire clutch -- never seen one that cracked that wasn't abused. The clutches in these cars can easily go over 100K miles - if they are not abused.

>>>>> not abused (have to trust on that). pics attached (Porsche said. this is result of incorrect installation! this is the original clutch! go figure)

roof- rattling as hell with no way to find source -- your dealer needs to read his TSBs. These problems have been covered and solved.

>>> on the way to my dealer (where can i look up tsb numbers?)

even after RMS replacement engine eats 1L/600miles -- so that says the car does not leak oil any longer - but does not mean it is not burning oil.


TSBs for your car are here: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...mp;code=carrera

Contributing members can view TSBs online here. Read through the Announcement at the top of any forum for more info on becoming a Contributing Member.

Pardon my ignorance, so what happens after i find TSB which lets assume says "tail pipe brackets are defective, crack at welding point ". Do I get it fixed for free as it is a manufacturers defect? Sounds too good to be true.

If that is not the case, what is the point of looking for TSB as I know precisely which part is broken (except for the roof problem)

  • Admin

If your car is under warranty and there is a TSB for a problem - in almost all cases it is a free fix ( I am assuming you are in the US).

If your car in not under warranty it may be negotiable - this will depend on the dealer and in some cases Porsche NA.

TSBs include fixes for know problems (which could be software updates, upgraded parts, installation of options, "approved" oils and tires, etc., etc.).

In some cases (like roof noises) it tells you (or the repair shop) where to apply foam tap, Teflon, tape or felt to quiet the noise.

In other cases it may tell why a part failed and there is a replacement part (of different design) to keep that part from failing again.

Many of us here believe it makes sense to be well informed before discussing repairs with your dealer or shop. This way they can't BS you and replace things that either should be under warranty or do not need replacing. Many of our members here do their own out of warranty repairs - with the technical information and helpful expertise of many folks on this site. We answer questions here that your dealer doesn't know the answer to or is misinformed about.

All car companies have TSBs (or something like them) to inform their dealers and shops of problems or potential problems. Porsche is no different.

If that is not the case, what is the point of looking for TSB as I know precisely which part is broken (except for the roof problem)

While some people buy into the theory that ignorance is bliss, I haven't run into many Porsche owners who do.

Those who frequent RennTech tend more to the "knowledge is power" line of reasoning in the expectation that this "power" will, at best, make their Porsche experience more pleasurable, and, at least, minimize their cost and inconvenience when it is not.

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