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Hello again there guys....Two days ago I installed the KN 63-7000 induction kit.I followed all the detailed instructions step by step and the installation was successful.I did a reset on the car ECU,checked the cone filter for over oiling and finally drove the car...The car is noticeably faster than before,especcially between 3 and 5 krpm.No engine hasitation,no misfiring,no CEL...It runs fine...In more general no disadvantage so far...Also in full throthle acceleration,you can hear the engine sound change in 5500rpm where the cariocamplus engages...(sounds simular to VTEC activation sound)Tomorrow I am about to reprogram the ECU on a dyno...Hope to do it with my serial reprogramming software,without the need to dismount the ECU,but just in case where is the DME of the car?Under driver or passenger seat?I am about to dyno it with PSE on and off and with the normal and chipped DME...Hope to get some more HP...


Finally I managed to dyno the car with the exhaust flaps on and off...While Porsche does not speak about any increase in hp with the use of sport exhausts,there is a serious difference in dyno measures...Comparing the two curves the car is about 2kgm higher in torgue and about 7 to 10 hp higher in power throuthout the entire rpm band with the sport exhausts activated...So far I have not done any ECU mods,but the stock software has been read and I am in the phase of modifying it so to overwrite it over the stock one...Just for the record the car produced 305hp with stock exhaust and 313hp with the PSE.

Finally I managed to dyno the car with the exhaust flaps on and off...While Porsche does not speak about any increase in hp with the use of sport exhausts,there is a serious difference in dyno measures...Comparing the two curves the car is about 2kgm higher in torgue and about 7 to 10 hp higher in power throuthout the entire rpm band with the sport exhausts activated...So far I have not done any ECU mods,but the stock software has been read and I am in the phase of modifying it so to overwrite it over the stock one...Just for the record the car produced 305hp with stock exhaust and 313hp with the PSE.

Hello, these are some interesting results...

I was also interested in doing a PSE-on and off dyno on my car, when i first fitted it, but never found enough spare time.

I guess the figures that you state are with the K&N intake and not wheel power, right?

What ECU upgrade have you chosen? I think the results after this upgrade would also be interesting.

Regards, Nikos.


Hello Nikos...

The figures I stated are with the KN intake and they are power on wheels+transmission losses...The ECU upgrade I choosed is made by myself (it is part of my job as a programmer)There is one thing that has take my considerarion in the dyno time...The car with the stock program run a little rich air fuel ratio...Many years now I ve measured many many cars and all of them(in stock version) had an air fuel ratio neither rich nor lean.Maybe Porsche runs their cars a little rich...On the other hand maybe the air feed from the dyno was less than needed in order to achieve optimum air fuel ratio...You see Porsche needs air in the rear end of the car while all funs of the dyno are in the front...If that is the case I will feed the car with more air so to get more power...Stay tuned...

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