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Can anybody help with the part numbers for the original 4 springs fitted to the 40th Anniv. Ed. I believe the rear springs are different from the normal sport suspension, that was fitted as standard?


I don't see any difference in the springs - just the sport shocks.

Thanks but I think that the 40 th Anniv. Ed. was fitted with the Euro M30 sport suspensin from the factory but with different springs for the rear. Note my car is a european car.


I have managed to come up with:

1 x 996 343 531 15 504 front spring set

1 x 996 333 531 23 504 rear spring set

as the original springs for a european 2004 model 911 (996) 40th Anniv. Ed.

Can you confirm this?



For sure. I recently bought a 911 40th Anniv. Ed. 2004 model. Unfortunately the previous owner fitted the car with H&R springs which lowers the car a lot. The car is now very low. The car drives OK with the H&R springs but I have problems entering my driveway and going over speed bumps so I would like to fit the original springs this car was born with from the factory and bring it back to its original state.

  • Admin

Well, lets hope that all he changed was the springs.

A 40th Anniversary Carrera Coupe is basically a C2, with a C4S front bumper, sport suspension, and the X51 engine ( and all the markings).

The springs for a 40th Anniversary Carrera Coupe should be...

Front: 996.343.531.19.504

Rear: 996.333.531.26.504


Thanks Loren!

I believe the previous owner only changed the springs not the shocks but I need to check to be sure. Do you know a way to determine if the shocks are the original ones without the use of a lift and taking off the wheels etc? Is there any marking I can look for?

It worries me a bit that the Porsche parts dept. quoted me different part numbers and gave me the part numbers for a standard C2 coupe, I even gave them the chassis number of my car!

The part numbers you gave me are they for the european version of the 40th Anniversary Carrera Coupe which I own?


  • Admin

The numbers I gave you are for an RoW 40th Anniversary Carrera Coupe - according to to my June 2007 Porsche parts list.

The shocks don't have color codes like the springs so you would have to read the part numbers off them.


Hi Loren,

I finally managed to read the part numbers of the shocks:


996.343.041.21 & 996.343.051.26


I only managed to read the part number of one of the shocks back: 996.333.055.89 and it had a white label stating ROW 40th Jahre so I assume the shocks are the original shocks?

So to conclude all I need to bring the car back to its originals state is to replace the H&R springs with Front: 996.343.531.19.504 & Rear: 996.333.531.26.504?

  • Admin

These are the correct shocks for a 40th Anniversary car.

996.343.041.21 is an RoW M030 front sport shock for a MY03 or newer.

996.343.051.26 is an RoW M030 rear sport shock for a MY03 or newer.


Mystery solved! The 40th Anniv. Ed. was fitted with special shocks and springs in the back but with the normal ROW M030 parts in the front.


Shocks 996.343.041.21 Normal M030 part for 03 models

Springs 996.343.531.19 Normal M030 part for 03 models (green/white)


Shocks 996.333.051.26 designated M095 in the parts catalog

Springs 996.333.531.56 designated M095 in the parts catalog (green/green)

My car does have the original shocks which is good news but for some reason the special M095 rear springs are more expensive than the normal M030 springs :angry:

I do not know what the difference is between the special rear shocks and springs M095 and the normal M030 shocks and springs?

Loren thanks for all your help :renntech:

  • Admin

According to the 2004 Anniversary Edition Product Book.

In order to achieve balanced handling as well as the familiar high level driving dynamics also on the special model, the rear axle springs have been

adapted to the higher weight and resultant changes in driving dynamics.

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