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I did a search and found many things about blown bulbs, trim rings, and swapping out the cluster but nothing towards what I am looking for.

Over the weekend I pulled the stock stereo out to put in an aftermarket unit. I pulled all the parts out to move the a/c unit and to install the new toy.

I also pulled the instrument cluster so that I can route the microphone in the location where the audiopilot was. Tonight I connected the cluster minus the audiopilot and placed it back on the dash. I didn't screw it down yet in the event that I didn't like where the mic was for reception.

I haven't hooked up the new stereo yet as I am still routing wires and the stock stereo was on the work bench.

I connected the battery back up so that I can move the seats and turn the motor over for a few minutes. When I turned the car over, I noticed that the dash lights were NOT working. Why?

I hooked the stock stero back in line and there was still no action in the dash. What has changed? I didn't cut any wires as of yet and the only things at this time not connected are as follows:

Driver seat motor

wiper control on dash

central locking button on dash

defroster button on dash

PSM button on dash

audiopilot mic in cluster

trunk light

The A/C unit turns on and works and it is now in the lower position.

My car is a 03 Targa.

I have read numberous posts that talk about needing to keep the stock head unit inline and moving it to the trunk but these threads have always referred to the 997s and not the 996s.

The other thing that happened this weekend was that I had closed the trunk with the battery undone. I had to connect a spare battery to the fuse box per the manual instructions in order to pop the trunk. Could this be something to be concerned with?


So I went out and plugged the OEM stereo back in and still had nothing on the dash instruments.

Curious question....does the instrument cluster HAVE TO BE screwed down to work? Right now it's only placed into position and the 2 screws are NOT in it. Could this be a grounding issue or are the gauges grounded independently?

Posted (edited)
Have you checked fuse B10?

Also make sure all the cable to the back of the cluster are properly plugged in and locked.

The cables on the back of the cluster as cam locked and they snapped into place.

I'll go check the fuse that you mentioned. The one I looked at specifically was in the E column.

I checked the fuses in the box that are specific to the cluster and they are bot good.

Is there any logic that states that the cluster needs to be screwed down to complete a ground? Currently it's just sitting in position and isn't fastened down with the 2 screws.

Edited by tweety
  • Admin
Is there any logic that states that the cluster needs to be screwed down to complete a ground?
No, power and ground come in on the green connector (several pins).

So as I was sitting here at work I was thinking more about what I had done and not done to the car to get me where the dash doesn't work.

In the dash hood assembly there are only a few things to unplug.

1. audiopilot mic

2. main leads

3. hazard light

Of these, the audiopilot is not connected and I think that I didn't place the hazard button back in yet. I did that to remind me that the pod isn't attached yet and that I need to put the screws in.

Another question came to mind.

Is the stereo system in the 2003 MY tied to the dash lights in any way at all? By this I mean, if the stereo is unplugged from the car, would the dash lights cease to function?


Problem solved.

It turns out then when I released the one cam on the connector, I snapped off part of it. Then when I went to close it, there was nothing there to 'lock it' from flipping up. It didn't move much but obviously enough to darken the panel.

Lucky for me I noticed that there are two mini holes on what look to be ears that I can run safety wire through and fix them tight. WHEW!

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