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Posted (edited)

Okay, I just noticed this cracked hose, just above (and interior to) the blue coolant cap. This is on a MY02 C4S, 3.6L engine.


From the attachment (where it's cracked) it runs towards the back of the engine compartment, and then does a quick 180 running towards the front of the car.


As a total novice with all of this, I will assume that I cannot replace this hose myself, but I would appreciate anyone's help in identifying the hose so I can mention this to one of my local repair guys...and get it taken care of as quickly as possible.

I apologize for the dust, I live on a dirt road!


Edited by LEP
  • Admin

Two questions...

Is your car a Tiptronic?

Does the hose connection that exits the pic on the right go tot a solenoid then to then throttle body?

Posted (edited)
Two questions...

Is your car a Tiptronic?

Does the hose connection that exits the pic on the right go tot a solenoid then to then throttle body?

Dang it, I keep forgetting to mention the Tip...yes (!), it's a Tip.

This re-worked photo shows the #1 (in yellow), which is a more solid plastic tube (thinner diameter) running towards the front of the car:


This second photo shows the split hose (#2), which is connected at a right-angle to #1...

#2 also ends up curving and heading towards the front of the car.


I can't see were either hose/tube ends up, because they both are (again) headed towards the front of the car, and are up at the top of the engine compartment...I can't see well in there. If one of them does end up at the throttle body (#3), it would be quite the circuitous route.

Woops, this #3 hose goes into the plenum, not the throttle body. Sorry. I'll go look at the throttle body from the other side right now! I'm back...nothing going into the throttle body itself.


I guess I could still use some help...

Edited by LEP
Look like a vent hose for the fuel line.

Thanks for this info, Loren.

I'll be taking this to a local pro for a replacement...to your knowledge, is this going to be a large labor issue, or relatively simple?

Thanks again,

  • Admin

I wouldn't think it would be over 1 hour - they might have to remove the belly pan plastic to get the other end. If it is a vent line (as I suspect it is they might cover it under your emissions warranty.

You may be lucky and it isn't leaking enough to throw a CEL yet.

Posted (edited)
...throw a CEL yet.

What does this mean..."CEL"???

Sorry to be such a novice....

The car is done with the original warranty (it's an '02), but I did purchase an aftermarket warranty with a fairly low deductible...so I'll be checking into this, as well...

Edited by LEP

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