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The one-touch window function (996 C2) isn't working. I am wondering whether there's anything which needs to be done to re-programme the function? The reason for asking is because after disconnecting the battery on an Audi, in order to reinstate the one-touch function, it's necessary to follow a specific procedure. Since the battery's been out of the Porsche a few times recently it occurred to me that something similar may be required. Anybody know anything about this?

  • Admin

Try doing a search here next time - this has been covered many times.

Hold the button to lower the window and then continue holding it another 10 seconds. Do the same for the window up again holding it for 10 seconds after it is all the way up. You one-touch operation should then be restored.


Loren - Thanks for that. I did try searching for it, but came up with loads of posts which weren't anything to do with what I was looking for; perhaps I worded my enquiry inappropriately. However, thanks again. I'll give it a go.


Yes Loren, I thought I would add to this myself... I usually try searching before I post a question but the intelligence on this search engine is not too good (I DO LOVE THIS FORUM THOUGH!). Makes it kind of tough to do searches sometimes... is there a way to upgrade this feature to make it a little more accurate?



Loren - Thanks for that. I did try searching for it, but came up with loads of posts which weren't anything to do with what I was looking for; perhaps I worded my enquiry inappropriately. However, thanks again. I'll give it a go.
  • Admin

Go to advanced search and click on the link "Advanced Usage Help". (i.e. +apple -juice --find posts with 'apple' but not 'juice'; "Some Words" --Find posts with the phrase 'some words of wisdom', 'some words' but not 'some noise words')

This + and - as well as the quotes procedure is used by Google and most all the major search engines.


Aha! There is a trick to it.... Thanks for the tip, I knew about the advanced search but not about the + - part.


Go to advanced search and click on the link "Advanced Usage Help". (i.e. +apple -juice --find posts with 'apple' but not 'juice'; "Some Words" --Find posts with the phrase 'some words of wisdom', 'some words' but not 'some noise words')

This + and - as well as the quotes procedure is used by Google and most all the major search engines.

Posted (edited)
Hold the button to lower the window and then continue holding it another 10 seconds. Do the same for the window up again holding it for 10 seconds after it is all the way up. You one-touch operation should then be restored.

Tried your suggestion but it didn't restore the function.

However, using a slightly different procedure, managed to resolve the problem.

Here's the procedure:-

In car, doors closed (don't know if that's really relevant but, if it aint broke, etc.), ignition on. Slightly lower window (only a few inches), then raise window to the top and - instead of holding it there for x seconds - hold it only until the blockage detection function switches off the window motor (when it switches off there's a soft but audible click). Release button. Repeat for other window.

Job done, one-touch on both windows works.

Thanks for the input from everybody - got there in the end!

Edited by Mercurial

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