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I have posted a question to the forum before (regarding flaking paint on the CDR-24), and I was suggested by a member that if the dealership won't replace the CDR-24 Radio with a new one because the paint is peeling off of it, I should contact the district manager/regional - as this is apparently a known issue and gets replaced for other members of this board.

Well I went to the dealership today - Downtown Fine Cars in Toronto and the regional manager happen to be there, he looked at it and immediatly said the radio is a wear and tear item, even though the paint started flaking off after a few months from being new (now its 1.5 years old). He said that stuff Porsche will not cover, especially if there is no bulletin/TSB on it. He further said you can't trust the opion of people in the forums. He then said to me, there is nothing I can do, "He is the ONLY Sherrif in town" even if I complain to Porsche NA they will just send the request to him and he won't honour it. - What kind of customer service is this? He said this right to my face in front of the local assistant manager of the dealership.

What do you suggest I do in this case (aside from trying to get this Regional Manager fired - who says that to a customer?? how rude). I'm thinking of contacting the local media and have them do a writeup on how horrible Porsche service is in Canada. I'm so furious.

What do I do now? any suggestions of anyone I can contact at Porsche or Porsche North America? Any other ways to get the radio replaced locally under warranty? Is there any reason I can tell them about the radio that is undiputable to have it replaced?

Thanks Much!!,


  • Admin

On the 986 and 996 a bunch of the CDR-220 radios had buttons that the lettering peeled off after a couple of years. Porsche replaced all of those no questions asked - no TSB. I know they replaced mine under warranty.

I would have to see you damage but it sounds similar. Can you take a pic and post it?


Sounds like just another instance of Porsche rubbing it in your face why they are the most profitable car manufacturer in the world. I've seen many instances simular to this and it's short sighted business sence as far as I'm concerned, but what do I know?


Or you could park it on the street, in front of the dealership, legally,

With a large sign in the window that says,


I would think they might even be happy to replace the faceplate.

Check with your local police first to see if this is a problem, they might even like the idea. :D


That is freakin funny... I may just do that.... LOL

Thanks for the suggestion....!


Or you could park it on the street, in front of the dealership, legally,

With a large sign in the window that says,


I would think they might even be happy to replace the faceplate.

Check with your local police first to see if this is a problem, they might even like the idea. :D

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