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I recently bought a 987S with 19" wheels fitted with the original Michelen PS N1 tyres, the car has covered 14k miles. I noticed that they are all wearing on the outside edge, but especially on the front left. There is a lot of tread left in the middle and inside.

My first thought was the pressure, but when I checked they were at 31 psi front and 35 psi rear, so only 1 off the Porsche recommended levels. Unfortunately I don't know what they were like before I got the car but they were at this level when I picked it up.

Is this likely down to incorrect pressure or maybe a symptom of something else?

Also, would the wear on the outside make the tyre illegal in the UK even though there is lots of tread on the middle and inside? What would be the recommended minimum tread on the outside before replacing them?

Thanks in advance

I recently bought a 987S with 19" wheels fitted with the original Michelen PS N1 tyres, the car has covered 14k miles. I noticed that they are all wearing on the outside edge, but especially on the front left. There is a lot of tread left in the middle and inside.

My first thought was the pressure, but when I checked they were at 31 psi front and 35 psi rear, so only 1 off the Porsche recommended levels. Unfortunately I don't know what they were like before I got the car but they were at this level when I picked it up.

Is this likely down to incorrect pressure or maybe a symptom of something else?

Also, would the wear on the outside make the tyre illegal in the UK even though there is lots of tread on the middle and inside? What would be the recommended minimum tread on the outside before replacing them?

Thanks in advance

I have an '06 987S with 19s and Michelin PS2 N1 tires. I just did a track day with the stock alignment. The outside edges of my tires are pretty well worn. I tended to go a little hot into one particular hairpin (left hand turn) and my front right tire took a bit more wear than the others until I started to get the hang of it.

Sounds like your car either has an alignment problem or has been on the track.

In one weekend of track activity, I probably added the equivalent of 6 months of "normal" wear to the tires (just a guess).

Good luck with your investigation.



Pressures for the 19"s should be 32f/37r, per the door sticker on my 2007; the owner's manual is incorrect. As for the wear, has the car had an alignment? The suspension settles after a couple of thousand miles, and most often needs readjustment.


I nearly bought a PCCB equipped 987S until i saw the outer edges of the tyres were scrubbed - at this point i thought it had been used by the delaer for driving/track days.

I opted for their other demo, wih 19s and PASM - my nearside front is badly worn on the outer shoulder (RHD car - so front left) - i'm having the alignment checked today, but i suspect its me having too much fun on roundabouts :D . If you measure the tread depth on anew tyre in this precise area you'll find there is only about 3.5mm deep grooves, so you might expect the area to be looking a little overworn in comparison to other areas of the tyre which have 6-9mm tread depth.


Well how's that for service - since my last post i've driven 10 miles and back to my trusted tyre depot, and they've checked and adjusted the alignment, and allowed me a good look under the car at the RMS area / inner faces of rear discs etc etc

Turns out the half toe on my front right was excessive at +2.6mm (sorry they prefer to work in mm rather than degrees, but system has both settings), against +0.3mm for the front left (nearside). Tolerances are +/-0.3mm per side, total toe +/-0.6mm. Adjusted them to +0.3mm both sides, so nice even set-up :D

Car feels more responsive to steering input driving home (maybe just psychological ??) and when on full lock at parking speeds the knocking / skidding sound from the front nearside wheel seems to have disappeared ????

30 minutes from start to finish, £23.90 ($47) - good job :D :D

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