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Posted (edited)

I have the computers out of the car dme/alarm/airbag but the dash odometer/rpm/time digital display lights stay on after I pull out the key all the idiot lights are off..I would not think that the computers would cause this, also can the car be turned over without the computers? Anyone have an idea where to start trouble shooting. I have the tech manual. As an added there is no power to the windows but if I jump power to the switches the window work. Logical guessing is allowed here.

Edited by Mother
Posted (edited)
The car won't run without the DME.

Why are these all out?

It is a project car / insurance auction and I recieved missing the computers and other parts which I am reinstalling. I do want to find out how many things I can get to work without putting in the new computers and avoid burning them out. I would think that I could get the car to at least crank, the window switches are not getting power, overhead interior lights not working etc. I do not know if the computers need to be in for most of these things to work. So knowing what will work without computers is very helpful for my pretest operation.

Edited by Mother
Posted (edited)
If you just want the engine crank, run jumpers from the starter and crank way. Engine won't start but will crank fine.

I was hoping to just pull the fuel relay to keep it from starting and using the key to crank, I do need to get oil to the engine and SC prior to engine start it has been sitting for over a year. I'm guessing hear but none of my fuses have burned since I put power to the car so I am assuming that it is ok to install computers. This is embarrasing but here goes, how do you open the gas filler door I do not see any pull handle anywhere I need to test for water in the gas tank or should say how much there is.

Edited by Mother
If you just want the engine crank, run jumpers from the starter and crank way. Engine won't start but will crank fine.

I was hoping to just pull the fuel relay to keep it from starting and using the key to crank, I do need to get oil to the engine and SC prior to engine start it has been sitting for over a year. I'm guessing hear but none of my fuses have burned since I put power to the car so I am assuming that it is ok to install computers. This is embarrasing but here goes, how do you open the gas filler door I do not see any pull handle anywhere I need to test for water in the gas tank or should say how much there is.

If the doors are unlocked, the gas door should just pivot open when pressed on the part towards the front. That is, unless not having the alarm system hooked up defaults to locking it. Maybe Loren knows for sure.

If you just want the engine crank, run jumpers from the starter and crank way. Engine won't start but will crank fine.

I was hoping to just pull the fuel relay to keep it from starting and using the key to crank, I do need to get oil to the engine and SC prior to engine start it has been sitting for over a year. I'm guessing hear but none of my fuses have burned since I put power to the car so I am assuming that it is ok to install computers. This is embarrasing but here goes, how do you open the gas filler door I do not see any pull handle anywhere I need to test for water in the gas tank or should say how much there is.

If the doors are unlocked, the gas door should just pivot open when pressed on the part towards the front. That is, unless not having the alarm system hooked up defaults to locking it. Maybe Loren knows for sure.

Thanks, I can get to the gas cap and it is not tyed in evidently, My wife suggested that but I qwickly dismissed it >I'm not going to live that one down anytime soon! :notworthy:

Posted (edited)
The gas flap (door) only locks when you lock the car (it is also alarmed). It shares the locking/alarm circuit with front hood.

Correct you are, I locked the car but it did not lock the gas door.

Edited by Mother

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