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What are the factory's recommended alignment specs for a 2003 996, C-2 with US M030?

and compared with X-74?

I searched this topic but could not find anything.



True or false.

When getting the new tires on next week and needing a new alignment, I need to have the computer reset?!?

I went to this shop that does upper end machines and the dude told me that he didn't have the tool to reset my machine when he was done.

What computer? What does he want to reset?

If you have PSM you need to have the steering angle sensor checked - perhaps that is what he means?

Now while I am still learning about these cars I didn't take what he was telling me as being wrong. In fact, at first he didn't want to do the car because he didn't have the scanner and would have to ask for it elsewhere.

He showed me the nearly new alignment machine and on the screen it was asking about the specifics of the 911 line...4s, PSM, and so on. I explained and pointed to the line that showed the PSM. He said that the car would have to be reset to know where the new settings were.

  • Admin

Yes, it should be checked with any alignment.

Many times in does not need to be re-calibrated. But it is the same process to calibrate it with a PST2 or PIWIS tester.

You see part of the "intelligence" of PSM is that it needs to know when your front wheels are pointed straight or turned (like in a skid).

So this sensor is pretty important.


Don't stop at the suspension, start working the alignment variables that the new suspension will better allow.

I put in ROW M030 my '99C2 a couple months ago. Had them align it to ROW M030 specs. Spent the following weekend DE parked next to a GT3 guy. It was his daily driver. Talked to him about tire wear on the street. He said he had no issues. Went a couple DE's later and had the shop redo the suspension settings with the "GT3 Street" settings. Back to the track for another couple DE's

Had less understeer with the ROW M030 and it's alignment. Had even less understeer with the GT3 Street alignment. But I'm probably going to go back and change it again. Even the GT3 Street alignment has built in understeer. Am going to experiement with F/R both at 1.5deg, then put either front or rear at 2deg. Then swap putting the other end at 2deg. It remains to be seen whether my ROW M030 front can even get to 2deg.

The racers are, obviously, playing with a lot more neg camber, but I'm not planning on experimenting in the neg 3-4deg range.

Play with tire widths too.

I run DE's in advanced solo. I'm almost the only guy on street tires. My learning curve is steep so I certainly wouldn't call myself genuinely skilled. God how those GT3 Cup cars fly past me on corners on open track days. Neither me nor my car will ever hang with a GT3 Cup, but I do hate always being lunchmeat.

  • 2 years later...

What do you guys recommend for ride height for pss9's on a 2000 996 c4?

Can you send me the link for the wheel alignment specs for the Carrera 996 Models?

The link above seems to be broken. THANKS

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