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guys what kind of oil do we need for our TIP

since our TIP is ZF exactly the same as what is use in BMW can we use the same oil esso ATF LT71141?

i saw the DIY forum... but it doesnt say waht exactly spec of oil we need.., pleae help thanks



In the DIY I used Pennzoil Multivehicle ATF. What I did is called Pennzoil Technical dept. and asked for the equivalent to ESSO ATF LT 71141 and that is what they gave me. I could not find the ESSO and the dealer price was very high for the container. These posts can give you other options, VW may sell the quarts a lot cheaper than Porsche too.



And from AMSOIL



90,000 Mile...

guys dont beleive that

the transmission as far as I know is the same as the BMW E46 trans.. use the same oil too.... and BMW says LIFE time ..no need to change ever....

for the E46 M3 also... i have own both 330ci and M3 with SMGII tranny... and they say u do not need to change the fluid until 100K KM... guess what at 60K KM when i first change my 330ci's tranny fluid.. u can tell the fluid is dirty not as smooth ...and their was a huge change after i change the fluid ..much much more smoother shift

so since then i cahnge my M3 tranny fluid at 30K KM... and i think that is a good interval... 40K might be good for US driving condition which is pretty similar to canada i assume....

but for 996... the way most of P owner drive their car... 40K km u definity need to change your tranny fluid... and look at it ..u will know.. what factory say is BS....


looks like i have a long way to go before 90K! :thumbup:


I changed mine at 45K miles, and did notice a difference in shifting. I did it myself (see DIY Maintenance) and the fluid was DIRTY. The pan was "gunky" also. I do track the car, so I am sure it has some to do with it.

After the first change, I did it yearly since it was not a big job and I was on track 15+ days/year. Every time the fluid was kind of dirty.

Also keep in mind when you do a transmission drain and fill, you only drain about 6 quarts out of the 9 in there. Multiple drain and fills is what I did to get all the fluid nice and red. It did make a difference to my butt-meter performance. Smoother shifting.

  • Admin

Same transmission in my Mercedes CLK55 AMG and Mercedes says "Electronically controlled five speed automatic transmission 722.6 is filled with a newly developed special transmission fluid and is considered to be "filled for life", ie: does not require fluid level checking or fluid change during scheduled maintenance procedures."

So I guess Porsche, BMW, and Mercedes are all wrong?

Each person is entitled to their own opinion -- but it is just that -- "your opinion".

I am not starting an argument - I am just stating that each person needs to make their own decision on items like this.

Posted (edited)

I'm at 80k plus now and I'm scheduling for a transmission service in the next week or two.

Mine's AWD, so that includes the front differential service.

Can anyone tell me the total cost I should be expecting?

Edited by CosmosC4S

what else can we use

can we use Mobie 1 ATF it says it meets the standard of MERCON V,DEXRON II,III dont know what it means...but is this tranny oil any good?

I'm at 80k plus now and I'm scheduling for a transmission service in the next week or two.

Mine's AWD, so that includes the front differential service.

Can anyone tell me the total cost I should be expecting?

please remember to do a http://www.blackstone-labs.com/

so we have some real-life data. :clapping:

I'm at 80k plus now and I'm scheduling for a transmission service in the next week or two.

Mine's AWD, so that includes the front differential service.

Can anyone tell me the total cost I should be expecting?

Stevens Creek Porsche, San Jose, CA (everything costs more in the Bay Area) quotes:

Tiptronic Fluid Change, parts and labor, $450

Front Differential, parts and labor, $200 (Ron the advisor said this was a guess because they have never really done this!)

Ron said that if Porsche thought it should be done sooner than 90,000 miles they would certainly recommend it at 60,000 miles. After all, it's $450 of relatively easy work. He said the front diff doesn't require change per Porsche recommendations.


Thanks for the tip, johnj.moran

That gives me an idea of what to expect when I talk to my Indy mechanic.

I'm not too confident with the "lifetime" claims, as in the front differential like you mentioned.

I'd probably go ahead and have that done since it's in for tranny service.


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