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Talk about being stubborn people.

In the coming weeks I will be pulling the OEM head unit out of my 03 Targa and putting in the AVIC Z1 or 2 and adding a JL 5Ch amp. At this time I want to hold on to the speaker due to the added cost.

Now before getting on me about not doing the speakers let me add that I have a 30K check up coming next month and 4 new tires to put on prior to a May DE event. Tossing in another grand for speakers isn't in the plan this month.

So I want to run this new stuff off the existing Bose that's in the car-right? The car came with the High End stuff which means more speakers.

All I want from Bose is to tell me what each one does and what the rating is per unit. They won't tell me.

What's the big secret here? When it comes time to tweak the amp to the speakers, it would be decent to know what they can take so not to destroy them. Sheesh!!!

I have gone through page after page on this board and found many things RE: Bose but haven't found this specific answer as of yet.

I have read enough and printed off nearly everything that I would need to do this installation myself but I don't have any experience with the fine tuning aspect and would like these numbers.

Am I looking in the wrong places?


They're probably too embarrased to tell you. I'll try to remember to look at the backs of the ones I yanked out when I get home and see if they indicate anything.

They're probably too embarrased to tell you. I'll try to remember to look at the backs of the ones I yanked out when I get home and see if they indicate anything.

When I pulled out the rear seat ones the other night I didn't see anything that was useful. It may have just been the one that didn't have anything on it and I didn't pull any others.

I did find one and only one post on the net that spoke of the ohms per but there isn't any way of knowing if that would apply to my machine or not (03 model). What I found was that the fronts, door, rears were 2 ohm and the subs were 1.

Now if I could know the Hz of each then I think I could be in better shape.

Thanks for your help.


I guess it's the same as the bose home audio.

When looking at a system I asked a couple questions and the snooty bose man said "We don't give out that info"

MY answer was "well then :censored: "

Reminds me of Sony :offtopic:


Save the money of the head set and repalce the speaker first. The best head set will still sound crappy with the standard speakers, while the stock headset will sound much better through a good pair of speakers. I stll have the stock head set running through Focal 100KP's in the dash and 5WS in the doors and it sounds great compared to the stock set up.

Save the money of the head set and repalce the speaker first. The best head set will still sound crappy with the standard speakers, while the stock headset will sound much better through a good pair of speakers. I stll have the stock head set running through Focal 100KP's in the dash and 5WS in the doors and it sounds great compared to the stock set up.

Yeah, maybe....but to me I can't really see the problem with the speakers I have now. Not being an audiophile nor having been in another p-car with different speakers, I really don't know what I am missing. It isn't like I won't upgrade before the year is out but I need tires before speakers and I already have the other toys in the que now.

Spending a day or so putting in the new unit now while it is still spring will go over better than trying to do in a month from now.


Took a couple pictures of the dash and rear speakers that I still have sitting in the garage. Looks like the mid-range is 4 ohms. I gave my door speakers to a guy in Vermont so I can't take any pics of them.




Thanks for doing that viper. Showing me this only makes me more irritated at Bose for being so pigheaded with the information.

Like I mentioned, the speaker that I had pulled out had nothing on it at all. What I had located on my quest was that the speakers were 2 ohm. Obviously from the photo shown the information was wrong.

Posted (edited)

Happy to help.

Those photos are from a 99. I don't know if there might have been changes to the speakers along with the other changes through the model years. A check of the part numbers might help you determine whether they are compatible or not. Frankly, if you're going to replace them anyway is there some harm that could come to the amp or are you concerned about blowing the speakers apart? IIRC, the JL amp senses the load and adapts and, as you can see, the factory speakers aint something that is going to handle that JL 500/5.

Another question is can you put an ohm meter on the speaker and check the resistance?

Edited by viper501
Viper501- I thought the bose system didn't come out until 01'

Don't know. I was told that this was Bose but couldn't say for sure. I yanked it in toto shortly after getting the car.

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I am doing rear suspension.... how do I get the carpet panel off?? I have the Bose in my back panel. I am pulling my hair out!


You need to remove the speaker covers to get at the BOSE mounting screws.

OK that worked great! There is one #30 Torx below each speaker that releases the panel. BUT now I cannot get the carpet panel off that covers the struts. It is the one behind the Bose panel. How does that one come out??


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