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Hi guys,

I have been managing to check up on this site and fix things myself so far when needed but I needed help on it now.

1) My speed sensor has become faulty. My kms and tripmeter sometimes don't run while car is running. According to a tech, it is a faulty speed sensor and that I should check the connections to make sure enough voltage is going through the wires. Anyone have a diagram of the speed sensor location, I see one on a 996 on this site but it shows speed sensor on the wheels, is that correct, isn't speed sensor usually on the tranny? Anyways, if you can also identify which one is positive wire and which one is negative or if you have a wiring diagram as well, that would be excellent.

2) Since I have purchased my car (private sale), the windshield wiper fluid doesn't dispense the fluid but the headlights do dispense the fluid. Do they use a seperate mechanism/motor for the lights and the windshield. Again, if someone has DIY instructions on what to look for and what part to replace for the windshield washer motor, that would be of great help.

BTW, it's an 04 boxster.

thanks in advance for all your help/inputs.


Is your speedo showing the correct speed?

If your speed sensor is down, your ABS warning light and rear spoiler light would come on. There are four speed sensors. One in each wheel. All four sensors need to concur to a certain degree or an ABS light would be thrown as the unit cannot account for the differences in the speed sensed from different wheels.

If you are still reading a correct speed and the ABS light is not on, I doubt it's the speed sensor or the ABS unit circuit that has the problem.

  Jinster said:
Is your speedo showing the correct speed?

If your speed sensor is down, your ABS warning light and rear spoiler light would come on. There are four speed sensors. One in each wheel. All four sensors need to concur to a certain degree or an ABS light would be thrown as the unit cannot account for the differences in the speed sensed from different wheels.

If you are still reading a correct speed and the ABS light is not on, I doubt it's the speed sensor or the ABS unit circuit that has the problem.

Yes ABS light is on as well, and rear spoiler comes on sometime and sometimes it disappears. Thanks for the heads up, i'll look at the speed sensor on the wheels to make sure they are all aligned properly and are getting voltage.

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