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i have a simple obd2 reader, came up w these two.

based on my booklet:

p1123- throttle positon sensor range but higher than expected

p1125- throttle position sensor intermittent

btw, its a 98 2.5 manual, only thing done to it engine wise was a Evo intake

anyone have any suggestions? any help is appreciated in helping me fix this

thx, DJ


after doing some more research, i will try and clean the MAF again, although i cleaned it kinda when i was installing the intake, that was maybe 50 miles back...

also, ran to autozone, they comfirmed the codes that i was getting as well


ok, cleaned the MAF with the contact cleaner, no lock :(

anyhting else i should try? whats the best way to find out if its the MAF or anything else?

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With a diagnostic tool like the Durametric Software or a PST2 or a PIWIS tester. These tools can read actual values of the MAF air flow as well as fuel trims.


one question though, as stupid as it may sound, but after cleaning the MAF, would the CEL turn off by itself, or will i need to manually erase it with the obd2 reader?


after enough 'good' cycles the CEL would turn off by itself. but you can remove the negative battery cable (if done for 30-50 seconds you will not need to enter the radio code - but i would have it handy just in case) to reset the CEL. if the error pops up again, the CEL will light again. if you can reset the CEL with the code reader, even better.

  djomlas said:
i have a simple obd2 reader, came up w these two.

based on my booklet:

p1123- throttle positon sensor range but higher than expected

p1125- throttle position sensor intermittent

btw, its a 98 2.5 manual, only thing done to it engine wise was a Evo intake

anyone have any suggestions? any help is appreciated in helping me fix this

thx, DJ

I think your booklet is wrong, as the correct codes are:

P1123: Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Lean Threshold

P1125: Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Lean Threshold

What's the mileage, and is it the original MAF? I would try a new MAF. I don't know anything about the Evo intake, but if it is an oiled type they tend to screw up MAFs if you over-oil.


carjust fit 60k miles.

i cleaned the MAF and reset the code, so i will see how long it will keep going (hope the CEL doesnt come back on).

the MAF is stock

i dont want to dish out the money on MAF if im not sure that its MAF for sure, you know?


well so far after 60 miles no CEL came on regarding those codes.

it actually did but my gas cap was open so that was a diff code.

  teknotikal said:
I talked to somebody who said that it was due to the intake. He replaced w/ stock intake and CEL never returned. Just a thought.

Just got a New MAF for my 99 Boxster.


Great price, free shipping, Great experience.

But my gas milage just went down....I love the "New Power", The car runs like brand new.

I had the codes :P1128 and P1130. Now nothing.


drove another 40 or soe miles, no CEL again, i think that just while i was putting it in the evo intake and while it was sittinout while i was doing it, and i tried cleaning it the wrong way w a paper towel might had something to do with it.

now its been cleaned a few times w the contact cleaner and its all good


Try cleaning it again, but 1123 and 1125 are maf releated. It's not seeing the proper amount of air and will either need to be cleaned again and code reset (try that first) or you will have to buy a new one. The reason it's an O2 sensor code as the o2 sensors are trying to adapt to the rich reading and are trying to lean out the mixture as much as they can but can't so your getting a lean treshold code as they just can't do anymore. Maf's fail all the time on cars like ours. The Toyota Celica has a maf in the intake tube almost like a Porsche. When they put on intake their maf fails all the time too. Everybody says its the maf and oiled filters etc but it seems that everytime the maf is distrubed from it's slumber and moved around and switched to a new pipe the jossling causes it to fail and they need to clean or buy a new one as well.


I have 1997 boxster with 30,000 miles on it and are getting the same codes 1123 and 1125. I have reset them several times but they come back in a few days. We have done nothing to the engine or air filter. Everything I read on these codes does not give me any clear repair options, excpet for maybe the MAF. The car runs fine and does not appear to have a problem. I do not have a problem replacing parts but would like to do it one time. I have three different stories from the local porsche dealer and garages. We are currently have the engine expose for maintance (air filter, plugs and oil change) so thsi would be the time to do something to it. Any input would be helpful, thanks

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