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Need some help.

'03 Boxster.

Pulled into my Garage just now. Remembered i wanted to sweep the garage floor. Pulled the car back out of the garage and noticed there is a timer on the display counting down from 60 mins. Currently at 52:33 on the way to zero.

Also when I turned the alarm on just now to come inside and pled for help the red alarm light on the dash blinked 7 times before it started to do it reg flash every 2 secinds or so. Has never done that before or at least I have never noticed it.

Anyone now what the deal is? Is my car about to explode?

Thanks, Joe.

  RAZOR1 said:
Need some help.

'03 Boxster.

Pulled into my Garage just now. Remembered i wanted to sweep the garage floor. Pulled the car back out of the garage and noticed there is a timer on the display counting down from 60 mins. Currently at 52:33 on the way to zero.

Also when I turned the alarm on just now to come inside and pled for help the red alarm light on the dash blinked 7 times before it started to do it reg flash every 2 secinds or so. Has never done that before or at least I have never noticed it.

Anyone now what the deal is? Is my car about to explode?

Thanks, Joe.

Seems I missed counted. The alarm light blinks 21 times before it sets.


  • Admin
When the ignition is switched on, the odometer display changes temporarily to the waiting time mode for oil level measurement
Before the oil level is measured, the engine oil has to have flowed back into the oil pan. The time taken for the engine oil to flow back depends on the engine temperature and how long the engine has been stopped.

This waiting time A is displayed when the ignition is switched on, as a count-down in minutes and seconds. In addition, the segment display begins to "cycle".

Short waiting times for a measurement are achieved

- when the engine has been stationary for some hours, before starting a cold engine

- or when the engine is at operating temperature.

If a waiting time of more than 5 minutes is displayed, it makes sense not to make the oil level measurement until the engine is at operating


Page 76 of the MY03 Boxster Owners Manual

  Loren said:
When the ignition is switched on, the odometer display changes temporarily to the waiting time mode for oil level measurement
Before the oil level is measured, the engine oil has to have flowed back into the oil pan. The time taken for the engine oil to flow back depends on the engine temperature and how long the engine has been stopped.

This waiting time A is displayed when the ignition is switched on, as a count-down in minutes and seconds. In addition, the segment display begins to "cycle".

Short waiting times for a measurement are achieved

- when the engine has been stationary for some hours, before starting a cold engine

- or when the engine is at operating temperature.

If a waiting time of more than 5 minutes is displayed, it makes sense not to make the oil level measurement until the engine is at operating


Page 76 of the MY03 Boxster Owners Manual

Loren you are the man. Much thanks..

Any idea why the alarm is blinking 21 times before it sets?


  • Admin

The alarm system goes through a self-test and a zone test prior to arming. During this preset test the alarm light to flashes at twice it's normal rate (twice per second) until all zones are checked and the alarm goes into "armed" mode. Then the alarm light flashes normally (about once per second).

  Loren said:
The alarm system goes through a self-test and a zone test prior to arming. During this preset test the alarm light to flashes at twice it's normal rate (twice per second) until all zones are checked and the alarm goes into "armed" mode. Then the alarm light flashes normally (about once per second).

You are the man!

Board should be called LORENTECH.ORG

Thanks again.


  • Admin
  RAZOR1 said:
  Loren said:
The alarm system goes through a self-test and a zone test prior to arming. During this preset test the alarm light to flashes at twice it's normal rate (twice per second) until all zones are checked and the alarm goes into "armed" mode. Then the alarm light flashes normally (about once per second).

You are the man!

Board should be called LORENTECH.ORG

Thanks again.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: There are many knowledgeable folks here...

I just have too much free time... :P

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