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For about 5 seconds at a time and a total of six or seven occurrences over a month the oil guage will go dead and read zero pressure and a instrument failure notice will come up. After a few seconds it starts working again. I 'okay' the message and then no problems for days or weeks. In between the guage seems perfect. Is it essential that I bring it to the factory service/dealers attention or can I forget about it? My '04 996 is out of warranty by two months with 33,000 miles on it.




I experience the same problem. The occurances are random and have not had any for the last month or so. First step is to replcace the sender unit. I have purchased one myself but haven't had the patience to install it yet :)

You need a 19mm wrench , but there is simply not enough space in there to work and apply force to loose the old sender....

I must say this is one of those problems that you can not duplicate and you can not know exaclty what's wrong (the sender unit, the cluster, or the wiring...)

The only method is the trial and error...

Check the wirring connections on the sensor, replace the sensor and wait and see what happens...

  • 2 weeks later...

I have been reading this and the above referenced threads with some interest. I have recently accquired a US MY02 Targa which has a fluctuating oil pressure reading. With the coolant temperature up to about 180 degrees, and I assume the oil up to operating temperature, the oil pressure randomly fluctuates about one half bar when cruising (2300-2400 RPM) from 3 to 3.5 bar. At higher engine speeds, I see a similar random half bar fluctuation at a higher oil pressure. I used to have another make German car and am used to seeing an eye opening low oil pressure at idle. But at a steady cruise RPM, the oil pressure was steady as well. Is this a normal occurance or should I anticipate having to address this in the near future?

BTW, mat911, I read your post about alternately disconnecting the idiot light lead and the oil pressure gage lead. I think the lack of a reaction to disconnecting the idiot light lead is because the light is looking for a ground provided by the transmitter when there is no oil pressure. Had you touched the lead to the cam cover, you would have provided the ground the light is looking for and it would have illuminated.



I have been reading this and the above referenced threads with some interest. I have recently accquired a US MY02 Targa which has a fluctuating oil pressure reading. With the coolant temperature up to about 180 degrees, and I assume the oil up to operating temperature, the oil pressure randomly fluctuates about one half bar when cruising (2300-2400 RPM) from 3 to 3.5 bar. At higher engine speeds, I see a similar random half bar fluctuation at a higher oil pressure. I used to have another make German car and am used to seeing an eye opening low oil pressure at idle. But at a steady cruise RPM, the oil pressure was steady as well. Is this a normal occurance or should I anticipate having to address this in the near future?

BTW, mat911, I read your post about alternately disconnecting the idiot light lead and the oil pressure gage lead. I think the lack of a reaction to disconnecting the idiot light lead is because the light is looking for a ground provided by the transmitter when there is no oil pressure. Had you touched the lead to the cam cover, you would have provided the ground the light is looking for and it would have illuminated.



There are some fluctuations on the reading when engine running steadily below 3,000rpm (assuming operating temp is reached) but I doubt the fluctuation is 0.5 bar, I would say roughly 0.2 bar max. At engine speeds 3,000 rpm and above the reading in 5 bar steady.

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