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anyone know what an error code 95 (evaporative canister under limit) means? I cleared it with my Durametric software...but what does it mean? It sounds like something emission related.

Has anyone else thrown this code before?



  • Admin

P0446 (Porsche fault code 95) EVAP Canister Shutoff Valve (Function) - Below Lower Limit

The task of the shutoff valve is to seal the purge air line to the EVAP canister during the fuel tank leak test (at startup).

Potential causes:

- Bad gas cap seal

- Purge air line blocked.

- Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high.


Thanks Loren. Still not sure what that all means, but I'll try tightening the gas cap first :thumbup: :thumbup:

I haven't run the car in a while....I wonder if that had anything to do with it? It hasn't thrown another code since I cleared it.

Hopefully it will stay cleared.

  • 1 month later...
P0446 (Porsche fault code 95) EVAP Canister Shutoff Valve (Function) - Below Lower Limit

The task of the shutoff valve is to seal the purge air line to the EVAP canister during the fuel tank leak test (at startup).

Potential causes:

- Bad gas cap seal

- Purge air line blocked.

- Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high.


What are the consequences if this code is not corrected? I reset the code with Durametric software about 1000 miles ago and tightened the gas cap. The code did not recur. However, today I noticed that both valve covers are leaking oil.

Could this code indicate that the crankcase is not being ventilated well enough (ie. blocked pcv valve) thereby causing the oil leaks?

How difficult is it to replace gaskets on the valve covers? My car now has 91,000 miles on it.

  • Admin

The valve cover oil leaks should not be related to the emissions code you got previously. If the code did not come back then the problem is cured.

Are you sure the valve cover gaskets are leaking and not the oil tubes or Variocam sensors?

I would clean the area good and try to ascertain exactly where the leaks are coming from.

The valve cover oil leaks should not be related to the emissions code you got previously. If the code did not come back then the problem is cured.

Are you sure the valve cover gaskets are leaking and not the oil tubes or Variocam sensors?

I would clean the area good and try to ascertain exactly where the leaks are coming from.

Thanks Loren,

Not sure where the oil tubes are, (more of an ex- chevy shadetree mechanic) but I plan on removing the spark plug shield and replacing the plugs today. I got a good deal on iridium plugs, hopefully they won't be a problem.


The valve cover oil leaks should not be related to the emissions code you got previously. If the code did not come back then the problem is cured.

Are you sure the valve cover gaskets are leaking and not the oil tubes or Variocam sensors?

I would clean the area good and try to ascertain exactly where the leaks are coming from.

It appears that most of the oil is coming out of the spark plug holes in the head. Hmmm....I remember reading something about tubes needing new seals around the plugs on this forum a while back, but I can't find it now :(

Also there did appear to be some oil leaking between the head gasket just below the variocam sensor. The engine runs great and the oil is clear, I hardly think a leaking head gasket would show up like this...would it?

Have a look at TSB 1/98 1546 New O-ring on Oil Protection Pipe --dated May 14, 1998.


Any chance that you could post a blow up diagram on the O ring Oil Protection Pipe assembly? Is it difficult to replace? I really want to attempt this myself.

Lastly, where can I order a good Porsche Repair Manual? Is my Porsche dealer the only option for that?

Finally, I just want to say that you run a great board here. By following many of the postings here I was able to install my own Blaupunkt radio with speakers, and wire the factory door subs in series with a modified 996 passenger side (cabriolet) sub powered by an alpine 150 watt amp. The sound is amazing now and the whole shebang cost me less than $600. I had many difficulties wiring this up intially....but everytime I came back to the board I would dig up some new info and proceed.


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