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Now that I have a 2003 wide body coupe (wide tack option code), what is the actual difference? I got the car from out of state, brought to the local dealer and one of the guys said "wow, it is a C4", which obviously it is not. The option codes revealed "wide track" option. I parked it next to my 99 C2 cabrio, but can't tell the difference. But I was surprised how quickly the dealer service manager immediately saw a difference.

Anyone knows the specs? Thank you





I would look for wheel spacers. They are a add to

the car. Look at where the wheel conects to the hub and

see if there is a 1/4" spacer in this place.

I bought the stock spacers but I wished I had bigger spacers. The

only problem with bigger spacers are bad camber and

bad tire wear. I know you can get adjustable plates but

the adjustment list of goodies increases with speed.



Yes, I used the VIN decoder in a couple of places. No, no spacers at all. So the code is on the hood sticker, the local dealer who never seen it before immediately saw it as a widebody. And I still do not know what the difference is in specs. Would it be the same as the C4 for width? Does anyone know what the spec would be? Thanks


Posted (edited)

Here is a pic of the spacer on our rig... The clear aluminium part between the wheel and the brake.

Pardon quality just took it with the phone...


Edited by glh

Here is what it looks like outside with 285/30/18's

I don't know if it helps but it will give a reference.

Car is a 2001 Carrera 4



Thank you, I am familiar with the spacers, but the car did not have them. Wondering if they "fell off" along the way. The car only had 11,800 when I got it from a Porsche dealer. What size spacers should be on a widebody? I can always get them aftermarket. So if I understand correctly, the wide body is a C4 body? So a C4 dimensions would be the same. I did try a tape measure, and best I can tell is about 1.5" wider than my 99 C2 on the front. Thanks again



On 996 C2, GT3 and ordinary C4 are all narrow body, only C4S and Turbo are wide bodies.

On the new 997 the C4 is wide body.

Izzy, your car look like an ordinary NB to me. Who says WB? Probably had factory spacers mounted in its past.


Bjorn, not sure if it did or not have spacers. And to my eyes it looks too close to my 1999 C2. But the sticker inside the hood has code 415, and "Wider Rear Track" is what I could find it means. My local dealer's comment when they first saw it, since I bought it out of state, was "wow, you get a wide body?". So I am trying to figure it out. If I new measurements, I could try that. A quick and dirty measure of the front wheel width, compared to my 99 Cabrio, seems like 1.5" wider. That was done with a measurement tape and a 7 year old helping Daddy out.

I will see if I can get the spec dimesions for the C4S or Turbo. Or park it next to a Turbo at the office would be quicker....


Thank you Loren, that clears my silly mistery. Would you happen to know what would have been the spacers, size? I may spring to the dealer or Sunset and get them. Thanks again


Here is a pic of the spacer on our rig... The clear aluminium part between the wheel and the brake.

Pardon quality just took it with the phone...

what brake rotor is that? front or rear?

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