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Hi All,

I recently noticed a rattle coming from the passenger side convertible top area. When I lowered the top to inspect, I noticed the convertible top motor would be running, but the top was stationary at first and them would be jerked back eventually. Once the top was all the way down, I tried to put it back up. When raising the top, the drivers side attempeted to go up, but the passenger side seemed to sag, causing the top to pitch or come back up crooked. I helped the process with my hands, but it ended up coming up all crooked with the "clam shell" staying in the opened position. Eventually I messed with it enough to get it closed. It seems to me that something has come unhooked or broken on the passenger side convertible top mechanism. The frame seems fine, rather, whatever pushes the convertible top frame up and down seems to be not working properly on the passenger side. Any help is very appreciated.


Hi All,

I recently noticed a rattle coming from the passenger side convertible top area. When I lowered the top to inspect, I noticed the convertible top motor would be running, but the top was stationary at first and them would be jerked back eventually. Once the top was all the way down, I tried to put it back up. When raising the top, the drivers side attempeted to go up, but the passenger side seemed to sag, causing the top to pitch or come back up crooked. I helped the process with my hands, but it ended up coming up all crooked with the "clam shell" staying in the opened position. Eventually I messed with it enough to get it closed. It seems to me that something has come unhooked or broken on the passenger side convertible top mechanism. The frame seems fine, rather, whatever pushes the convertible top frame up and down seems to be not working properly on the passenger side. Any help is very appreciated.



sorry Skipp, can't visualize what it looks like. I have never experienced something like that on my cabrio. Any pictures to share?


No pictures, not really anything to shoot. It just doesn't work properly and now creaks alot in the closed position. Something must have broken loose somewhere.


Does the "clam shell" cover work? I had a problem last month where the motor had to be replaced (warranty), the top was acting up. Took it to Hendrick and they did the work, there is a completly new bracket and motor with different design than original that solved the problem.

While I was tinkering with the top, I did notice some lag on the left side, and a clunking noise. With the top halfway up, I noticed near the rear most part of the top frame a metal "support" that was out of place and bent. This is a perforated metal part that wrapped on the outer edge of the top frame. Don't know how it was bent, but pushing it back into place did the trick. I used gloves and pliers, it is a sharp piece of steel.

But nothing as basd as you desribe, though.


One more thought, the two flaps on the sides that actuate when you open the top to cover the void. I did have a problem of the top crooked or not operating well as these two flaps where out of sequence. The right side was completing the cycle much sooner than the left, messing up the operation.

If they are, the fix was to apply a little bit of grease to the ball screw that lowers and raise the flap. Just remove the panel behind the rear seats, and you can see the long ball screws. A small brush and some all purpose grease did the trick, they move at the same speed and top wasn't crooked anymore.

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