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I'm now the proud owner of a $43,000 paperweight. I had an engine failure out of warranty after purchasing a 99 cab less than a year ago. I need to swap out the engine and wanted to know if the 99 3.4 is my only realistic option. I don't want to throw tons of money at it but if its reasonable, I'd love to update the engine to the 3.6 or 3.8 (I have the original manual 6 speed).

Any help would be great. I'll keep scouring eBay and salvage yards, so far only I've only located one 3.4 for 6,500 or 10,500 from the dealer.

  • Admin

Sorry, to hear about your problems...

You do know you can get an exchange engine from Porsche? There will be a core deposit plus $7000-$8000 for the engine - and installation cost. Exchange engines (in the US) carry a two warranty as I recall.

Updating to a 3.6 will require a DME change (5.2.2 to 7.8), adding egas (if your car is a C2), and fuel systems work for the returnless fuel system used on 3.6 liter cars. I suspect that will be pretty costly.


I would go Lorens idea, the Porsche remanufactured motor is a great buy as far a Porsche stuff goes. It has the updated larger Intermediate Shaft bearings which means a later year type engine case (block). The porosity casting issue, slipping sleeves, RMS and other potential issues affecting early models are no longer there. You also get a new power steering pump, alternator, starter motor, fuel injecters and all the engine accessories except for the A/C compressor. New oil pump, cam, lifters, timing chains with related tensioners, pistions, rings, all bearings and seals of the updated variety. You will be replacing all these and more 8 year old stuff with new components of the latest design for approx $10k installed and have the 2 year warrenty as well. If you like your car and plan on keeping it a while this is a really worthwhile way to go.

A used motor from a wrecking yard for say $4-$6K is a huge risk. The cylinder walls could very possibly be rusty from sitting outside. This happens all the time, and your "new" motor is a smoker. Re-ring it for $4k and you are back at the reman price. Plus absolutely no warrentys on a used motor out of a wreck or flooded car.

Sorry, to hear about your problems...

You do know you can get an exchange engine from Porsche? There will be a core deposit plus $7000-$8000 for the engine - and installation cost. Exchange engines (in the US) carry a two warranty as I recall.

Updating to a 3.6 will require a DME change (5.2.2 to 7.8), adding egas (if your car is a C2), and fuel systems work for the returnless fuel system used on 3.6 liter cars. I suspect that will be pretty costly.

Porsche Dealer quoted $10,200 just for the engine and another 1500 to install (I heard the prices have gone up). So its more like 13K with tax etc. and the other kicker to that is, spend 13K and you just have the same car as you did before the failure. No real added value or performance. -oh well, live and learn I suppose.

My worry is that the motor isn't actually much better and the fact that caughing up another 13K isn't that easy to do (yeah I'm admitting to myself that I probably bought too much car if I can't afford to fix it, but this was way more than any repair I'd expected).

If I keep the car for the next 5-6 years then the new motor may be the best option but I may opt to just put the cheapest motor possible and try to get rid of the car as quickly as I can since its already costing me a small fortune. Still debating - I've lost a bit of the love.

Thanks for the input - Does anybody know if all the 3.4's were built with these same issues or does a later 3.4 from an 00 or 01 have a better bearing and will it be plug-and-play?

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