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My 2004 C2 Cab just developed a problem that I first noted last night. I had not driven the car for the last two weeks since returning from a 1000 mile road trip to the Northern California coast with my Porsche. Everything including the dash lights and all other electrical systems worked fine during the trip. It now has 25000 total miles on it.

The problem is that all of the dash lights no longer come on when I turn on the headlights. The digital displays in the instrument cluster works fine but the back illumination for all the gauges and panel switches do not come on. I don't think it is a fuse issue since all the lights did come back on for a few seconds (after they initially went bad) when I turned my fog/driving lamps on. A few seconds later they went off again. If a fuse had blown, they would not have come back on even for a few moments like they did.

Is there any obvious things that I should look at? Headlight switch? Other weak points in the wiring? I am the original owner and there are no electrical mods on this car. I am hoping it is something easy that I can fix since I hate to have the dealer play around with my electrical system even though the car is under warranty. They never seem to be the same after electrical problems have been "repaired".

Thanks for any help or insight with this problem.

  • Admin

If the problem only occurs when you switch on the headlights then it is most likely the headlight switch. If it occurs, at any time it is most likely the ignition switch.


Thanks Loren.

Is there any relatively simple way of determining if it is the headlight switch or the ignition switch? I no longer can get the dash lights to come on either by jiggling the light switch or the ignition switch with the key inserted. The dash lights refuse to come on at all now.

  • Admin

Again, if your problems are only lights related that would point to the light switch. If you have other electrical problems then that would point to ignition switch.

What you are saying here is lights only so I would go for the light switch.

  • 5 months later...

I have a 2001 Carrera in which the instrument lights (and window buttons, etc...) do not come on until something warms up. Initially it was only a couple of minutes after turning on the headlights. Now when it is cold outside, it can take over 30 minutes. Any ideas are appreciated.


  • Admin
I have a 2001 Carrera in which the instrument lights (and window buttons, etc...) do not come on until something warms up. Initially it was only a couple of minutes after turning on the headlights. Now when it is cold outside, it can take over 30 minutes. Any ideas are appreciated.


Check for a corroded fuse connection or bad headlight switch.

I have exactly the same problem as Cordrey, in my 2004 carrera 2. The car has never been modified in any way, xenon lights were fitted as an option. Once the instrument lights come on they usually switch on and off with the headlight switch ok. Just like something has to warm up.

This problem also affects the rear licence plate illumination.

I downloaded a schematic, and checked what I believe to be the relevant fuse and relay.

I'm thinking of trying a new headlight switch, but can't see how a bad switch could do this.

Has anyone else had similar and how did they solve it ?????

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