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Right now im having issue with my 1997 boxster 98k miles, Yesterday i Ran dangerously low on fuel, I think i had about 30 seconds till i stalled the car before making it to gas station, My car did stumble 15 feet before pulling up to the pump but didnt turn off.

After refueling, i notice when leaving the station that i had alittle stumble in the low rpms range from 1000 to 1700 Rpms. Say im in 4th gear at 1500 rpms and accelerate, The car will stumble about once or twice until the RPMs reach 2000 rpm's then everything clears up, Although i can note that there is a drop in acceleration, it doesnt pick up as quickly as it should.

My theory is that i sucked up some sediment from the bottom of the tank and the already "used up" fuel filter is now effecting the performance of the Boxster to the point that i can notice it.

PLEASE before i replace this, Has anyone here experienced something like that that can be directly atributed to the fuel filter being clogged with shmuts, gunk, sediment or caputs.

  • Admin

How many miles on your current filter?

I think I would reset the DME and Instrument Cluster by disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes first. The car will run a little rough when you first start it up as it relearns the DME program but it might solve your problem.


Ok ill try that first, If not, my local Porsche dealer has the filters instock for 47 bucks.

  Loren said:
How many miles on your current filter?

I think I would reset the DME and Instrument Cluster by disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes first. The car will run a little rough when you first start it up as it relearns the DME program but it might solve your problem.


Ok Loren, i just disconnected the battery for about 4 minutes and reconnected it...it was enough time to reset my trip distance, time and trip the radio to prompt me for a radio code, I started it but about 1 minute and turned it back off, the real test is the ride home after i leave work., Ill let you know how it turned out.

I think Ill replace the fuel filter regaurdless of the outcome since it is 40,000 miles past its expiration and would probably improve throttle responce and free up some lost hp that i've been missing.

When im done paying this off in 2 years, ill just buy a Porsche like yours.

This one is my starter Porsche, I had a 1965 912 when i was 22 about 2 years ago but that doesnt count since its not a well engineered at the newer stuff is.

  CJ_Boxster said:
Ok Loren, i just disconnected the battery for about 4 minutes and reconnected it...it was enough time to reset my trip distance, time and trip the radio to prompt me for a radio code, I started it but about 1 minute and turned it back off, the real test is the ride home after i leave work., Ill let you know how it turned out.

I think Ill replace the fuel filter regaurdless of the outcome since it is 40,000 miles past its expiration and would probably improve throttle responce and free up some lost hp that i've been missing.

When im done paying this off in 2 years, ill just buy a Porsche like yours.

This one is my starter Porsche, I had a 1965 912 when i was 22 about 2 years ago but that doesnt count since its not a well engineered at the newer stuff is.

I'd say yes on the fuel filter. If you don't know when it was done last...then it does need done now! I've had fuel filters cause issues in other cars before. Additionally, you may know this already and it has been debated on other vehicles before but running dry is not advisable. Many fuel pumps are actually cooled by the gas and 100% dry can wear on the pump.


Yeah i know about the dangers of running dry. But about the disconnecting of the battery, well it didnt work. Looks like im going to be replacing the filter tomorrow, I really hope this fixes the issue cause not only am i running lean, I have reduced power all along the RPM range., Ill keep you posted on the results of the filter replacment...

BTW does anyone know how easy it should be to blow air through the filter if it isnt clogged?


Not on my Boxster, but on another car, I ran into fuel starvation, but that was only at WOT doing a 1/4 mile run coming out of second. I don't think a clogged fuel filter would affect low-RPM. I like your theory that you sucked up some gunk/water/goo that's been your tank for almost 10 years. Probably a good idea to change the filter, but I would run a few bottles (across a few tanks) of fuel cleaners, etc., and see if that helps.


Well i installed the new fuel filter and thought it would work cause the old one wasnt as free flowing at the new one but still the same issue. The car idles alot nicer than before. I ordered a fuel pump today so ill have that in hand by next week. Ill update you all on the aftermath of the installation.

  mee said:
Not on my Boxster, but on another car, I ran into fuel starvation, but that was only at WOT doing a 1/4 mile run coming out of second. I don't think a clogged fuel filter would affect low-RPM. I like your theory that you sucked up some gunk/water/goo that's been your tank for almost 10 years. Probably a good idea to change the filter, but I would run a few bottles (across a few tanks) of fuel cleaners, etc., and see if that helps.
  • Admin

Has anybody looked at the fuel trim readings with a PST2 (or high end OBD II scan tool)? -- and mass air flow?

I wonder if your MAF is giving errant readings thus telling the DME to lean the mixture?


New MAF less than 1.5 months old.

  Loren said:
Has anybody looked at the fuel trim readings with a PST2 (or high end OBD II scan tool)? -- and mass air flow?

I wonder if your MAF is giving errant readings thus telling the DME to lean the mixture?

  • 5 weeks later...

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