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Posted (edited)

Will this PCM model number #997.642.101.05 work in my 06 987? It says on the pricing system has been superceded by # 997.642.101.11.

I have a friend in Germany who has this part and wants to sell/give it to me.

Thoughts? Help!



Edited by robcorn
The part number is only sold for RoW cars. It has been replaced by 997.642.101.11.FMH.

I do not know if it will work (program) in a US car.

Does anyone else know if this unit number can be programmed for the USA? I'd hate to give up a freebie!



The part number is only sold for RoW cars. It has been replaced by 997.642.101.11.FMH.

I do not know if it will work (program) in a US car.

Does anyone else know if this unit number can be programmed for the USA? I'd hate to give up a freebie!


It takes an hour to install the thing and maybe another few minutes to activate it via the PIWIS (or..whatever its called). Save yourself some $ if you are cool with your dealer and install the PCM2.1 unit yourself (it is very easy if you aren't installing the nav antenna) and bring it down to the dealership to get it "activated". Whats the worst thats going to happen, you get charged $45 for finding out a $4000 part doesn't work in your car? :thumbup:

Good luck! I did the same thing you did - had navi installed after the fact, and it works fine.


The part number is only sold for RoW cars. It has been replaced by 997.642.101.11.FMH.

I do not know if it will work (program) in a US car.

Does anyone else know if this unit number can be programmed for the USA? I'd hate to give up a freebie!


It takes an hour to install the thing and maybe another few minutes to activate it via the PIWIS (or..whatever its called). Save yourself some $ if you are cool with your dealer and install the PCM2.1 unit yourself (it is very easy if you aren't installing the nav antenna) and bring it down to the dealership to get it "activated". Whats the worst thats going to happen, you get charged $45 for finding out a $4000 part doesn't work in your car? :thumbup:

Good luck! I did the same thing you did - had navi installed after the fact, and it works fine.

Did you have the same model number as I'm looking at?

Did you have the same model number as I'm looking at?

No, I double checked - mine was different. Mine was actually listed in one of the TSBs as a USDM head unit.


One of the things that just came to mind as I was perusing the PCM manual online here - if you get a foreign (non USDM) head unit, the MHz and kHz spacing may be incorrect, not to mention, the beginning and ends of the bands may be incorrect.

You may want to compare the frequency spacing between USDM and European market radios by browsing through Porsche's online manual repository. I don't have the link off hand, but maybe someone will be nice and post it.

IIRC, the PCM2.1 system I have now "had" this problem - it was a USDM unit that was shipped to Germany for installation after the fact, and shipped back to the US when this issue with the frequencies was discovered. I never confirmed it as 1) I don't live in Europe, and 2) I really didn't care because it worked.


Don't forget that the PCM 2.1 consists of two parts..the head unit and the external DVD navigation drive. Not sure that its as simple as plugging it in and "off you go" , as the CAN BUS will need to be told it's there and you will need to know which wires to connect . The GPS reciever sits under the windscreen under the bonnet (front trunk). Bear in mind also , that the pcm is designed to work with the diversity aerials fitted in the front windshield. It's possible you may be able to get the PCM radio to work with only one aerial, just dont expect the reception to be as good as OEM. To run the latest USA map disks you may also need to update the firmware/software in the head unit to version 3.

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