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Lights are pointing too low.

When I bought the car the OEM were replaced with HID's , maybe when re assembled they left them too low.

I look in the Manual and there are instructions, however I lift the small plastic cover and cannot see a screw or nothing inside.

Can anyone let me know how do I adjust this?


The tool provided with your car cannot be used to fix the angle, I've tried and it's to big, you need a smaller size. Go to your porsche dealer and tell them that the angle on the headlight is too low, they'll fix it.

How did you installed HID's on your car?? I ask this because I installed them before and I got messages on my onboard computer telling me "left dipped lamp" and "right dipped lamp", and sometimes they wouldn't turn on at all.


The tool provided with your car cannot be used to fix the angle, I've tried and it's to big, you need a smaller size. Go to your porsche dealer and tell them that the angle on the headlight is too low, they'll fix it.

How did you installed HID's on your car?? I ask this because I installed them before and I got messages on my onboard computer telling me "left dipped lamp" and "right dipped lamp", and sometimes they wouldn't turn on at all.


I had the same problem , spent a whole day with an aftermarket guy trying to fix it.

Then he attached a small box to the battery of the car that fools the computer and lets it think it has the OEM light cunsumption.

After this, no more problems, only cost $50


The tool provided with your car cannot be used to fix the angle, I've tried and it's to big, you need a smaller size. Go to your porsche dealer and tell them that the angle on the headlight is too low, they'll fix it.

How did you installed HID's on your car?? I ask this because I installed them before and I got messages on my onboard computer telling me "left dipped lamp" and "right dipped lamp", and sometimes they wouldn't turn on at all.


I had the same problem , spent a whole day with an aftermarket guy trying to fix it.

Then he attached a small box to the battery of the car that fools the computer and lets it think it has the OEM light cunsumption.

After this, no more problems, only cost $50

Do you have any idea what kind of box is it, where can I find it or something?? I had HID's, but they were a pain in the a.., I couldn't get rid of the "dipped lamp" message, I would really appreciate your help as I have my kit sitting in my closet. If you want you can just send me an email (alanr18t@hotmail.com) with the info, thanks in advance. Oh, and by the way, I adjusted mines, what I did is I took out the headlight and on the inside part you can see the hole where youre supposed to insert the tood to move the beam, there are two holes though, I think is the rear one (check on the owners manual), then just buy a set of tools and try to see which one fits. Hope this helps. I attached a pic of my car when it had HID's.


The box is a voltage regulator.

Any shop that sells headlights ect should have one, it has to regulate the voltage to 35W.

Actually, it's probably a resistor. "35W" isn't a voltage, it's a wattage (power).

I think the computer is looking for a certain resistance and if it doesn't see it, assumes the bulb is gone. :D


The box is a voltage regulator.

Any shop that sells headlights ect should have one, it has to regulate the voltage to 35W.

Actually, it's probably a resistor. "35W" isn't a voltage, it's a wattage (power).

I think the computer is looking for a certain resistance and if it doesn't see it, assumes the bulb is gone. :D

Problably a resistor


I had the same problem , spent a whole day with an aftermarket guy trying to fix it.

Then he attached a small box to the battery of the car that fools the computer and lets it think it has the OEM light cunsumption.

After this, no more problems, only cost $50

motoadve, can you please tell me the name/brand of the box, I would really appreciate this, as no one has been able to help me on this, not even my dealership, porsche tuner shops, no one! Also, how exactly do you connect it to the battery, thanks a lot bro.


I had the same problem , spent a whole day with an aftermarket guy trying to fix it.

Then he attached a small box to the battery of the car that fools the computer and lets it think it has the OEM light cunsumption.

After this, no more problems, only cost $50

motoadve, can you please tell me the name/brand of the box, I would really appreciate this, as no one has been able to help me on this, not even my dealership, porsche tuner shops, no one! Also, how exactly do you connect it to the battery, thanks a lot bro.

I will try to find out and let you know

  • 1 year later...

Wha tkit is everyone using?

I have a set of phillips ballasts that I had used on my Z3 for years, yet they will not fit into the headlight. It looks like I need a thinner ballasts.

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