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My 1999 C2 with 48K miles (6-Speed) has always had a firm clutch pedal (ie- substantial effort to depress the pedal compared to a BMW 3-series, for instance) for the 30K miles that I have owned it. I dont abuse the clutch and have never had any clutch slippage. The other day I was driving to work and the car was normal until about 5 minutes into my drive. When I pushed the clutch pedal to shift it required SUBSTANTIALLY less effort to depress and did not return quickly to its default position. It was kind of "mushy" with almost no "springback". I continued driving the car noticing that the pedal requires much less effort than usual, and that the clutch did not want to "catch" affirmatively. I can drive the car with minimum slip, however, a quick increase in rpm's results in slippage. It seems to me as if the clutch plate is not being fully "pressed" against the flywheel. Clutch/brake fluid level is normal. Its going to the shop on Tuesday but I thought I might get some input from RennTech. Also, I have searched this topic to death before posting. Thanks.

  • Admin

There are more than a couple of TSBs for MY99 clutch issues. Your problem sounds like a faulty release arm. There are also TSBs for the pedal return spring and a misaligned clutch pedal.


I had a new clutch just after buying my 02 Targa. At first the clutch cable used to feel as though it was fowling somehwere and also on the last inch on travel the brake pedle would also move slightly in line with the clutch. A new release bearing made it perfect but I'd suggest if they have to do a new release bearing then you may as well have a new clutch as well.


When I bought my 99 C2 it had the same very very stiff clutch pedal. After reading this site (extensively) prior to purchase I knew this wasn't right. Since the car had 62k miles I had them throw a new clutch and look at the release arm in the deal.

When I picked up the car, the clutch was completely different. It was explained to me that the release arm was the problem, which is a known TSB on the 99's.

Good luck.


In rare instances, the pressure plate diaphragm can also crack - which will result in the situation you describe. Due to the nature of the inherent "spring" of the formed/domed pressure plate, any failure tends to be immediate rather than progressive.


It seems that the concensus is that a bad actuator arm is the likely culprit. The return spring is intact and seems to be operational. Was wondering if it could be the slave cylinder because it is my understanding that that causes the clutch to return hydrolically (sp)?

I will find out for sure tommorrow, just wanted to know what I am getting myself into. I have a warranty (3rd party) that will pay for everything except a bad clutch friction plate/pressure plate. I would love for them to pick up the tab on a covered repair, maybe I will consider paying extra to replace the clutch kit if it is needed.


Well the shop has told me it was just a bad clutch and needs to be replaced.....I am skeptical given the "sudden-ness" of the failure. They will give me the old part....I am just worried that I will have a similar problem in the future.....just venting.

  rval_1999 said:
Well the shop has told me it was just a bad clutch and needs to be replaced.....I am skeptical given the "sudden-ness" of the failure. They will give me the old part....I am just worried that I will have a similar problem in the future.....just venting.

Better make sure they are putting the new release arm in also.

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