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I am having a problem where upon starting the car for the first time of the day (warm weather) After about 3 minutes or so of driving I hear a strange humming sound when the car is moving. It lasts for about 5 minutes and never sounds again until the next day. It is sometimes loud and other times not so loud. It appears to be coming from the engine compartment the best I can tell. It is not the blower and it does not happen everytime. Any ideas or similar problems?

I am having a problem where upon starting the car for the first time of the day (warm weather) After about 3 minutes or so of driving I hear a strange humming sound when the car is moving. It lasts for about 5 minutes and never sounds again until the next day. It is sometimes loud and other times not so loud. It appears to be coming from the engine compartment the best I can tell. It is not the blower and it does not happen everytime. Any ideas or similar problems?

Could be the Air pump, for the engine that comes on at start up.



I am having a problem where upon starting the car for the first time of the day (warm weather) After about 3 minutes or so of driving I hear a strange humming sound when the car is moving. It lasts for about 5 minutes and never sounds again until the next day. It is sometimes loud and other times not so loud. It appears to be coming from the engine compartment the best I can tell. It is not the blower and it does not happen everytime. Any ideas or similar problems?

Could be the Air pump, for the engine that comes on at start up.


Thanks for the info Dan. Does the air pump just operate when the car is warming up? The car rums fine, it is just alarming to hear this noise come and go. Again, thanks for the reply.

  • Admin
Does the air pump just operate when the car is warming up?

Yes, it sounds like a vacuum cleaner to me. It usually runs only about 5 minutes. It is for emissions.

Does the air pump just operate when the car is warming up?

Yes, it sounds like a vacuum cleaner to me. It usually runs only about 5 minutes. It is for emissions.

Thanks for all your input Dan! Much appreciated.


Does the air pump just operate when the car is warming up?

Yes, it sounds like a vacuum cleaner to me. It usually runs only about 5 minutes. It is for emissions.

Thanks for all your input Dan! Much appreciated.

It happens after about 3-5 minutes into the ride. It sounds like something humming, sometimes loudly. It lasts on and off while moving for about 5 minutes and then it is gone for the rest of the day. I would take it to the dealer but they would have to keep the car for a few days and drive it to try and hear the noise. Sometimes it is loud, sometimes very quiet and... sometimes not there at all. Really strange

I don't think it is a problem. Ask a fellow Boxster owner (or dealer) to let you listen to another car. I think you will find they all do this.

That was my guess. I made an appointment with my dealer to see if they stumle upon something loose. When it gets loud is sounds like a rattle along with the hum. I will post what they find. I bet they say they cannot find it though. I had a creeking clutch pedal that took them 3 visits to find! The pedal did it everytime unlike my new problem. I had to stick the mechanics head under my dash on the 3rd visit. Then the light went on is his brain!!!


Problem is the OPV (Oil Pressure valve) It is not a malfunction, just a bad design. Porsche will replace with a modified unit if owners complain. The newer unit has a different designed piston. The noise does not effect the car or operation. It is just annoying and scarey to hear not knowing what the heck it is.

The dealers in the states are not too aware of this issue. I should them posts from the various Boxster forums to back my claim. The dealer was looking for loose components until they contacted a Porsche field specialist who was aware of this issue. Thanks to all that chimed in, I got to the bottom of this issue.

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