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I installed the K&N Intake kit about a week ago and, thus far, have several observations.

Initially, the primary difference I noticed was the sound of the intake and the overall "note" of the car on hard acceleration. I already have the porsche sport exhaust on my 99 C2, so it primarily "screams" more at full throttle and actually rounds out the exhaust note nicely. Obviously, the car is louder and more aggressive, although not so much from inside the passenger compartment.

As far as a power difference or faster throttle response, I do not notice much if anything. Obviously, without dyno testing this is subjective. Possibly, since I already have the sport exhaust, my motor may already breath better than stock and may negate some of the difference that may be noticed by other installers...or it could just be a more aggressive sound coupled with wishful thinking :)

After about 20 miles of driving, the car died for the first time (since I've owned it) on sudden deceleration when braking down off a freeway offramp. Of course, it started again immediately.

During the following day, this happened 3 more times, always on sudden, longer deceleration.

Finally, yesterday the CEL came on for the first time (also, since I've had the car).

I pulled codes with the Durametric system and came up with:

P0102- (factory code 115) Mass Airflow Sensor: Below lower limit

P1123- (factory code 27)Oxygen sensing Adaptation Range 1 (cylinders 1-3): Lean Limit

P1125- (factory code 35) Oxygen sensing Adaptation Range 1 (cylinders 4-6): Lean Limit

If anyone has any insight into these codes and reasons why they would be generated, please let me know. To me, this looks as if the system obviously does breathe better if it is causing a lean condition...I am just surprised that the adaptive engine control system cannot increase fuel volume enough to keep up with the increased air flow. Obviously, these codes may have been generated only during those sudden deceleration stages of my driving when the car died and I suddenly got off the throttle and cut off fuel flow (but engine vacuum still kept the air sucking in at full volume). At least that is my theory.

As far as the MAF fault, I'm not sure. I installed it properly, the system is sealed properly and I did not reoil or overoil the filter. I installed it as it came.

Any help or insights would be great. Thanks guys!

Just to add to the growing number of posts on K and N air chargers. I have had the same problems. CEL PSM and ABS lights on just after shutting off the throttle at high RPMS My Durametric showed P0102 and the voltage output of the MAF stayed low despite increase of RPM

Two MAFs gone and the third being fedexed to me now.....

So far an enthusiastic promise from K and N to investigate but no resolution so far. The two people I have spoken to at K and N say that they are not aware of a problem with their intake and the 996. This is strange as I've now seen other posts from other 996 owners with the same problem who have contacted K and N for help.

The K and N web site has some pretty convincing videos that indicate that filter oil is not contaminating MAFs so I begin to wonder if there is some other flaw in the design of the K and N air charger? I have never heard of anyone having a problem after fitting a K and N filter in the original Porsche airbox. It seems to be only in cases where the cold air intake kit is fitted.

It must be difficult for K and N to take into account the characteristics of every manufacturer's MAF but given that this product has been on the market for at least a year and they must have had several customers calling with issues so I'm surprised that they do not have an answer.

Obviously I am really unimpressed with this whole issue and would not be surprised if I soon have to replace all the original airbox parts.

You are burning out your MAF, not because of oil but because of current. You are getting too much air past the MAF casuing the burn out over time. Why don't you guys take a reading of the MAF at WOT and redline. Seems to me if someone changes their intake system they would want to know how the mod effects the engine? :o

Yes, I dont think it's the oil either.

Which current are you referring to? I'm an electronics engineer with instrumentation experience so please be specific. As indicated in my post I think the sensor may be subjected to air flow or pressure transient that is outside the spec of the sensor.

I contacted the Bosch people on Germany for a data sheet on the sensor but have not recieved it yet.

For the record, I do have a chart recorded with my durametric of the voltage output of the bad sensor against RPM which shows no significant change of voltage with RPM. It's pretty obvious that the sensor is stuffed. Will be making a chart of the new sensor as a baseline for the future. Just sent the old MAF to K and N who are going to have it examined.

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