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What's the best TINTING solution for our 996s?

I just got a '99 996C2 silver, I'm thinking about tinting all the windows except the wind-shield.

I want it dark(25%? 40%?), but I don't really want it *super* dark(10%)......

Any recommendation? And about how much would it generally cost me?

In CA, you can only tint the back 3 anyway, so might as well go super dark on those. Mine was around $175 for the back three.

I do understand what I am getting myself into....

But.... I do drive faster than 65mph on the freeway....


I got away with some tint on the front 2 in my M3 for about 4 years, but finally got nabbed. Fix-it ticket, so I just had to get it removed and the CHP signed off on it. I don't really want to give them more excuses to pull me over, so I just the back 3 on the 996 and that was that.

I got away with some tint on the front 2 in my M3 for about 4 years, but finally got nabbed. Fix-it ticket, so I just had to get it removed and the CHP signed off on it. I don't really want to give them more excuses to pull me over, so I just the back 3 on the 996 and that was that.

Thanks for the sharing of the experience.... but I think I'll take my chance....

If I encounter a traffic stop, I generally roll down both side windows before the cop walk over.... and if I'm at a light and see some cops, I'll roll down both my windows... instead of just sitting in the dark....

If they stop me for speeding, it is not likely that they had spotted my both sides tint....

And during the stop and whilt they talk me... they cannot MAKE me roll up the window for them.... they can ASK, but I don't really have to perform what they ASK me to do.... they can remove me from my car, but I will not consent to a search.... they can try to search without consent... but they better prepare themselves with some **** good probable cause.....


I got away with some tint on the front 2 in my M3 for about 4 years, but finally got nabbed. Fix-it ticket, so I just had to get it removed and the CHP signed off on it. I don't really want to give them more excuses to pull me over, so I just the back 3 on the 996 and that was that.

Thanks for the sharing of the experience.... but I think I'll take my chance....

If I encounter a traffic stop, I generally roll down both side windows before the cop walk over.... and if I'm at a light and see some cops, I'll roll down both my windows... instead of just sitting in the dark....

If they stop me for speeding, it is not likely that they had spotted my both sides tint....

And during the stop and whilt they talk me... they cannot MAKE me roll up the window for them.... they can ASK, but I don't really have to perform what they ASK me to do.... they can remove me from my car, but I will not consent to a search.... they can try to search without consent... but they better prepare themselves with some **** good probable cause.....

or you could just shoot them...
or you could just shoot them...

Nah, I've many LEO frds. They are there for our own good.

Hate & violence are never a sol'n, but a problem.


Anyways... so, what's the best recommended brand and model of TINT to go with?


By the way, this is my frd's 996. I like the darkness, but it probably may be too dark for the night, right? He didn't do his tinting, so he has no idea what % is it, what do u guys think? 20%? 25%?


The CA "legal" limit of front sides are 70%.... I DO NOT think CA people are mostly tinting to that 70% standard.... for 70%... you are better off saving your money... the more conservative strategy is probably.... 40% front sides... and then darker to the back(which have no limit)... creating an illusion of lesser or no tint for the front....

But personally... I like a more uniform look...

Posted (edited)

The rolling down the windows during the traffic stop doesn't always work - the cop noticed my rear window during a stop & asked me to roll them up so he could scan. My car was filthy from a long road trip, so he said they were like 12% and wrote me a ticket. In Florida, you can fix & pay a reduced fine, or just pay the full fine. I just paid the full fine and I'll pay it again next time...

As for tints, I had Llumar on two of my previous cars and had no fading, peeling or other issues (make sure you go to a good installer), but I'm going for Huber Optik on my 986 in a few weeks. It's pricey, but blocks way more heat, which is a good thing in the Sunshine State.

Edited by mackguyver

I did 25% all the way around with a film that uses carbon instead of metals or dyed polyester. That way no interference with radio signals, such as sat/gps/xm/cell, and no purpling over time. Can't remember the brand name though. I've had good experience in the past with Llumar films though in other cars. You might see if there is a CA exemption for vision / medical reasons.

Some interesting info here: http://www.chp.ca.gov/html/streetlegal.html

"Lack of front and rear DMV-issued license plates" <- Yeah right... I think it is a sin to put on one...

"Excessively noisy exhaust systems and mufflers " <- So our sport muffler is probably NOT ok...


I guess.... I'll tint my front side windows... how dark... I still dunno yet...


While most of the 'illegal' stuff is also in poor taste, I'm *really* glad I don't live in the Republik of Kalifornia. You'd think they might have some more pressing issues than the color of windshield washer nozzles and the presence of lights on tire stems .... *shaking head in disgust*

  • 2 months later...

I thought the same thing up here in Canada. I have a 2003 arctic silver C4s and I tinited the side windows with a silver reflective film of 40 % and the rear is 70% opaque. It looks wicked. You cannot see in from the back of the car at all and the sides are ok on the bright days but on overcast they too look like pervert sunglasses on a beach. I have never been stopped and at night they can see into the car just fine. I will post a pic tomorrow.

Cheers :drive:


Posted (edited)

I did all of my windows (including front windshield :P ) with Johnson Film's Executive 35. Tinted window laws are non existent down here. Its clear enough where you don't feel you are in a bat cave and no problems at night. Labor is cheap down here: $110 for the entire job :lol: Depending on the angle, it can look silver mirror type or it can look like a plain tint.


Edited by GOB
  • 6 months later...

Formula One 'Millenium' is another good brand of tint, like Llumar. The metallic based tints don't fade. I liked the look of my 28% front sides windows, and 18% on the rear 3.


Wow, interesting stories. Glad it taint me! I put 20% all the way, if by chance I do get pulled over I just have the window down and the car turned off. Luckily I have not run into super fuzz with the tint reader. Communists. But then again my political views are a bit extreme, but I really want them to happen! Go with what you see that you like I am not a fan of the black rear windows and the smoked fronts looks stupid to me. (My opinion) but you wouldn't two tone your car green in the front and gold in the rear?? Or would you??? If you are a concerned citizen then just do 35 all the way with a 4 inch eyebrow(windshield topper and the rule of thumb is it must not go below the rearview mount) (standards for tint 5%, 20%, 28%=HTF, 35%and so on.) Any upstanding tint shop can do a good job just don't buy the economy tint get the scratch gard tint. You'll have a hard time finding ther old time woes of yesteryear anymore as tint has been greatly improved. No more purple smoke after one year and as long as your shop cleans the glass well you should not have an issue with bubbles provided the tint has the proper time and temp to dry. It was cold when I had my GT3 tinted so they told me to keep it in the garage at normal room temp for 3 days to ensure it dires correctly.

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