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Has any of you longtime 996 drivers experienced this before?

I'm hoping it's a common issue with an easy answer.

At around 60mph and up...I hear a whistling sound around the outside of my window area,

or it could be at the top of my windshield...I can't be sure. It's pretty annoying,

sounds like the antenna on a car if there is one.

On my 540i, there was the same sound that was caused by missing jack-points rubber pads.

It's strange how that was even possible if you have no clue...The rushing air at high speeds over the exposed hole under the car somehow "whistles" (like how you blow over an open bottle) and the sound is transmitted thru' the hollow framework right up to the windshield area!

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Open the window slightly and see if the whistle stays or disappears.

Some other common causes of this type of noise have been a mis-aligned front trunk lid and misaligned gas flap.

Has any of you longtime 996 drivers experienced this before?

I'm hoping it's a common issue with an easy answer.

At around 60mph and up...I hear a whistling sound around the outside of my window area,

or it could be at the top of my windshield...I can't be sure. It's pretty annoying,

sounds like the antenna on a car if there is one.

On my 540i, there was the same sound that was caused by missing jack-points rubber pads.

It's strange how that was even possible if you have no clue...The rushing air at high speeds over the exposed hole under the car somehow "whistles" (like how you blow over an open bottle) and the sound is transmitted thru' the hollow framework right up to the windshield area!

I've had this problem for quite a while now (>1 year) and I haven't found a solution yet. In my case it's definitely the seal around the window. Opening any other window or the roof changes/eliminates the noise since the air flow in/out of the car changes. I've tried the side view mirror with no change. I've tried placing short lengths of rope in the seal to improve the seal with no change. I've tried applying vasoline at the apparent point of noise with no change. The seal looks perfect with no apparent defects.

I've heard from one member that they ended up locating the side of the loose fit, and then inserted shims under the seal to build it up in that area. I haven't tried that yet since I'm a bit concerned I'll do more damage to the seal removing it that I'll fix with the shims.



I have a similar issue, but in a slightly different location.

On my C4 Coupe, I get a whistling noise coming from the vertical side of the driver-side window as soon as I go over 60.

Any ideas what might be the cause here?


You can isolate the windshield seal by putting some blue painters masking tape around the outside of the windshield between the glass and the frame. If the whistling goes away, take off small sections of the tape to narrow down the location.


I tried it with the sunroof open today, still hear the whistling.

Window down...no change, so it couldn't be the seal..?

Checked the front hood, all gaps seem aligned.

Now...could it be the wipers??

I tried it with the sunroof open today, still hear the whistling.

Window down...no change, so it couldn't be the seal..?

Checked the front hood, all gaps seem aligned.

Now...could it be the wipers??

Don't be so convinced that all gaps seem aligned on the front hood. What you're looking for is that the front trunk lid is actually seated at smidgen lower than the front bumper. Moreover, it needs to be this way all across the front seam. Then, make sure to check the flushness of the front lid against the side fenders. I had this problem with my boxster and it drove me crazy for ages until the dealer finally nailed the alignment of the bumper and the trunk lid.

Don't be so convinced that all gaps seem aligned on the front hood. What you're looking for is that the front trunk lid is actually seated at smidgen lower than the front bumper. Moreover, it needs to be this way all across the front seam. Then, make sure to check the flushness of the front lid against the side fenders. I had this problem with my boxster and it drove me crazy for ages until the dealer finally nailed the alignment of the bumper and the trunk lid.

Thanks, I think you may be right. My trunk lid seems to be a very tiny bit higher than the bumper.

I'm thinking to tape the gap with a masking tape and test drive it.

That way, if the whistling disappears, I can focus on fixing the trunk alignment and know I'm not wasting my time.

I can focus on fixing the trunk alignment

If that is the problem, you will want to adjust the front bumper cover not the front trunk lid.

Thank you Loren, as always! :cheers:

I did think about that same thing, adjusting the bumper cover.

Reason is, the dealer I bought the car from did some paintjob on the bumper cover.

I was wondering if he installed it a little off, it doesn't take much to disrupt that flush level.


I can focus on fixing the trunk alignment

If that is the problem, you will want to adjust the front bumper cover not the front trunk lid.

Thank you Loren, as always! :cheers:

I did think about that same thing, adjusting the bumper cover.

Reason is, the dealer I bought the car from did some paintjob on the bumper cover.

I was wondering if he installed it a little off, it doesn't take much to disrupt that flush level.

Does anyone have a nice picture of the proper fit? I thought mine was fine but it sits at the same level as the bumper cover, not below it.


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