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My driver's seat blew a fuse, so I replaced it and it blew again the minute I pressed the memory button.

Now I have to go get extra fuses to try it out. I have a feeling it might blow the fuse again. Is this an indication of a serious electrical problem?

So you are talking about E3 a 30 amp fuse?

If so, the seat is the only thing on that fuse.

Yes Sir, it's a green 30amp fuse on the bottom row (I think it's the 3rd from left)

If the fuse keeps blowing, does that mean the motor is fried...or just a short somewhere with the wiring?

Another thing is before this happened, whenever the seat is moved backwards, it sounds tight and there is a squeaking/rubbing sound. Moving forward was normal and smooth. Maybe it chafed a wire somewhere?

  • Admin

Worth a look.

You will need an E12 (external torx) socket to remove the seat.

Be sure to disconnect the battery and remove the key from the ignition before removing the seat - otherwise you will get an airbag light.

Worth a look.

You will need an E12 (external torx) socket to remove the seat.

Be sure to disconnect the battery and remove the key from the ignition before removing the seat - otherwise you will get an airbag light.

Thanks for the tip, Loren! :cheers:


I had this situation on my Boxster several years ago and it was caused by a pinched wire that was shorting out when anyone sat in the seat. The factory had apparently routed one of the wires between the cushion and the metal framing. When the insulation finally wore through after a couple of years it started to blow fuses depending on the load on the seat. Fortunately, mine was still under warranty so I had the dealer resolve the issue.


I bought a packet of 5 pcs 30amp fuse coz' I was expecting war.

Put one in, touch the lever, zapp!

Put another one in, touch the memory button, zapp!

Put yet another one in, and managed to move the seat, I was like "Yes!". Moved it back and forth, seat back down and up...no problem.

So I quickly pressed the memory button and got it in my position before I have to drive like a retard again!

I got a flashlight and looked under the seat, something has to be wrong, probably a chafed wire somewhere...I saw the bunch of wiring down there..."Woah!!! I'm not going there!"

And so...it's good for now. I'm not touching the seat adjustments for now unless I have to.

I'm just glad it's not the motor $$$.

What do you experts figure out of this?

Tom: I also heard about this issue with the Boxster from somebody else on rennlist.

So judging from feedback from both of you, I would think some wire is chafed somewhere under the seat.

Loren: How difficult is it to dismantle the seat? If it's just a chafed wire somewhere, I'm pretty confident I can find it with the seat turned over. It's just the wiring harness down there that's intimidating! And once I find the spot, it's just insulating it with some electrical tape, right??

Thanks All! :cheers:

  • Admin

The seat harness(es) all have connectors that can be unpluged. Some are almost puzzle like but they all come apart so you can remove the seat and inspect everything.

If the wire itself is not damaged then taping should work fine. I would also put a tie wrap on the wire so it stays out of harms way.

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