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Has anyone had problems with their door lock (I have a year 2000 996 CAB). The key does not lock or unlock the door lock.

The remote works but I am worried that I will be completely locked out if the remote dies on me. :soapbox:

The mechanical operation is what I am concerned with here. I was told that it could be the tumbler.

I am looking for any info about removig the lock and rapairing or replacing it.



  • 2 weeks later...

Have you heard back from anyone on this? I also have the same problem on my 1999 996 Cab. Esentially you put the key in the door and turn the key in either direction and nothing happens. Everything was working great until 2 weeks ago. The remote key works fine, but I'm also worried about being locked out. I've tested it and the Top does not go up or down when holding the key in either position.

I would be very appreciate of anyone who has or knows how to solve the problem.



  • Admin

There was a TSB in 1999 that describes an inner door lock release problem. Does the door release work from the inside (when pulling on the handle twice with the doors locked)?


Basically how that system works is when you insert the key into the lock and turn it, you're also turning a rod that is mechanically connected to the door latch module and monitored by a microswitch. Its possible that the microswitch inside the door latch is no longer working and its not seeing the signal from the key being turned. Its also possible that the vehicle may have had a door latch replaced before and who ever did it forgot to install the actuating rod from the key cylinder to the door latch module (ive seen this before). It maybe be worth going through your warranty history and checking to see if its had an door latch. If it has, chances are someone needs to make good on thier installation.

Replacing the door latch is fairly straight forward but can be tedious. You'll need to remove the door panel and peel up a good portion of the door film. It helps to have small arms because its a tight fit reaching into the door. The two bolts on the outside holding the door latch to the door are size 8 triple square. There is one electrical connector running to it you will have to disconnect. You'll also need to undo the connector for the outer door handle pull. Slide the collar toward the outside of the door and pull it away. Installation is in the reverse but you have to ensure you have the rod from the key lock inserted into the slot on the door latch, this can be frustrating because you have to do it all by feel. Good luck if you attemp it.

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