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Hi all,

I have this weird popping feeling being transmitted through the steering wheel when turning. It only does it occasionally. You;ll be making a turn and you'll feel a pop of some sort being communicated to your hands on the steering wheel. At the same time, I'll often wheel the same pop in the brake pedal. I recently unlatched the steering coumn adjustment lever and jiggled the wheel around with the latch still undone and could feel the popping sensation in the steering wheel and the brake pedal at the same time, which made me think it had something to do with the steering column adjustment mechanism.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Hi all,

I have this weird popping feeling being transmitted through the steering wheel when turning. It only does it occasionally. You;ll be making a turn and you'll feel a pop of some sort being communicated to your hands on the steering wheel. At the same time, I'll often wheel the same pop in the brake pedal. I recently unlatched the steering coumn adjustment lever and jiggled the wheel around with the latch still undone and could feel the popping sensation in the steering wheel and the brake pedal at the same time, which made me think it had something to do with the steering column adjustment mechanism.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Any thoughts...well can you descibe what you are doing when turning? I mean is it possible the PSM or ABS is coming on? You will feel this in the wheel and brake pedal.


Skipp, since you are in Charlotte, you may want to check this out this weekend, there may be someone there who can help. It could be ABS, or something else. C4 or C2? Mileage? Wheel bearing change?:

From: Harvey Yancey [mailto:Harvey.Yancey@microsoft.com]

Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:59 PM

To: Harvey Yancey

Subject: Charlotte Area - Saturday Morning 'Gear Head' Get Together

Hi All,

It has been brought to my attention that there is interest in starting an 'informal' Saturday morning get together for us like-minded gear-heads.

So ... if you want to join in we will be gathering this Saturday morning (15 July) starting approx. 7:00AM at:

Caribou Coffee at Governor’s Square on Fairview Rd (near SouthPark Mall)

7804 Fairview Road

Charlotte, NC 28226

(704) 367-0050


Feel free to invite others with the same affliction ... Porsches are not required to join in ... all are welcome ... even those folks driving Italian cars ... ;)

*** Disclaimer - this is NOT a PCA sanctioned Event ***




There is a spring-loaded clip on the airbag spring which I've had problems with. It is a very strange component, because the only purpose it seems to serve is to keep the airbag spring from rotating when the wheel is removed for service. The problem is that it is always rubbing against the steering wheel and making creaking/clicking noises if it isn't lubricated. This noise is also felt through the wheel as you describe.

I'll see if I can post up some pictures later today if you are interested.

So ... if you want to join in we will be gathering this Saturday morning (15 July) starting approx. 7:00AM at:

Caribou Coffee at Governor’s Square on Fairview Rd (near SouthPark Mall)

Doh! How often are these things going to occur? I'd love to make it this weekend but I've got family coming in. :censored:


Not sure, I am off this weekend also, to CMP with NASA to drive-it-like-I-stole-it on the track. I sent Harvey an email to let me know when the next one is and there will be others. Let him know to add you to the DL.

Strength in numbers....


Thanks for the input.

...the feeling ( a pop or shift ) transferred through the sterring wheel and sometimes felt at the same time throught the brake pedal usually happens when braking and turning at the same time. Although it does occur at other times with no braking at all. It's not constant, only periodically. It does happen every day though.


the car does not have PSM system......And I would like to go tto the gear head meetings in Charlotte...




One thing that you might check is the torque on the lug nuts. Its quick and easy to do and eliminate as a potential source of clicking. ( I understand that its a long shot but I've seen them be loose from inadequate installations )


Loren or anyone,

Thanks for your responses. This only seems to occur during low speed turns. Usually while braking, ie turning into a driveway or doing a u-turn, or turning into a parking spot. It's not always when braking though. It has happened while moderate/ aggressive accelerating out of a curve before also. There is no noise, only the feeling you get through the steering wheel and sometimes the brake pedal. Just a slight shifting feeling communicated through the steering wheel.

As I said earlier, when I unlocked the steering column and moved the steering wheel around one day, I could feel the same type feeling in the barake pedal.

Thanks for any thoughts

also, it does happen without touching the brakes.

  • Admin

If it happens when the brakes are not used then it is in steering and /or front suspension.

The next step would be to jack the front of car up and turn the wheels side to side to see if you can hear whether it is in the suspension mounts or steering rack. I have heard of bad front suspension (shock) mount bearings as well as bad steering racks.


I am not very familiar with 911 but this happened to my ML and had it checked it was the the front ball joints. Maybe have it checked even with a local garage.

  • 2 months later...

I was searching through the forums and came accross the and issue you were having with a popping feeling in the steering wheel. I have the same exact thing happening with my low mileage 2000 C2. I can actually make it occur by grabbing the steering wheel and yanking it back and forth. I also removed the air bag and checked the steering nut, and dis connected the steering u joint by the brake pedal to rule out anything in the suspension and steering system. It is definately coming from the column. You had this issue a while back and I was wondering if you ever got to the bottom of it? I would like to fix this asap!!!

  • 9 months later...
Did anyone get to the bottom of this? I have the same issue with my MY03 Cabrio.

I'm trying to.. I think I have it narrowed down to either the shock mounts or one of the control arms. Due to the cost of the components however I really dont want to just change parts. It is very annoying though!

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