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    06 997 C2S Cab
    '15 95BS (Macan S)
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  1. Hopefully no issues w/ the overheating but yeah, not a great idea doing so. Aside from oil change and coolant flush/fill... you need to first find out why it snapped. Assuming belt has been replaced at least once before in your car's 11 years (as part of either the 60k or 6? year maint) it really won't unless there is another problem. So, inspect all the accessories driven by belt from crankshaft (waterpump, alt, pwr steering, a/c) along w/ the two deflecting rollers and tensioned roller. Typically the w/p or a seized roller is issue. Steam could be from w/p or coolant blow off from pressure valve - which side/where on vehicle was it coming from? Good luck and hopefully nothing wrong as these engines do not take well to hot spots...
  2. There is a slight bend in vertical shaft portion of shifter. Is yours a true B&M or a knock off (with B&M the vertical shaft is machined...knock offs typically are high polish chrome)? And why is this important to know? Knock offs are/were known to assemble with the shaft turned 180 degrees from orig design (maybe in error or effort to try and avoid patent infringement?). Thus w/ knock offs, shift knob ended up further left. That's my guess assuming shift cables are 100% correctly seated in housing and cable ends i.e. you can properly select each gear. Good luck :)
  3. You can very easily (and inexpensively ~ $30) make a set yourself w/ wire mesh (ebay, home improvement stores, etc.). For cleanest looking installation, yes you need to remove the bumper but there are kits which attach from front side. It's a good idea to remove front bumper occasionally anyhow to clean out radiators /condensers. You'd be amazed at how much debris accumulates in there inhibiting effective cooling.
  4. If you still have OEM Velcro buttons in foot-well carpet, I'd scrap the Lloyds tabs all together and just stick some 'fuzzy' (loop) side Velcro to back of mats. Then use an Xacto knife to trim off stitching holding female tab to Lloyd's mat back. Velcro will hold them just as / more securely plus you'll never forget to unclip mats when removing in future. 2" wide velcro (available in most hardware and craft stores) works perfectly. Although Velcro is adhesive backed, I also add a few dabs of super-glue to ensure they stay put... which they have for 2+ years even w/ monthly removal for cleaning, etc.. Basically, cut the loop side into four 2" x 2" squares (2 needed per mat). Mate it w/ the hook side in the foot-well. Remove tape over adhesive side and place 3-4 small dabs of super-glue on adhesive. Then, place mats back into foot-well keeping rear portion raised from Velcro and position as desired. Once in place, lower rear of mat onto super-glue/adhesive back of Velcro loop. Press firmly where Velcro is and wait a minute. Then, pull mat back out making sure to gently pull and reach under to assist release of loop Velcro (now attached to back of mat) from hook in floor button. Allow to cure overnight outside of vehicle and you'll be all set! Otherwise, yes try Lloyd's or one of their resellers for replacement clips. Good luck :)
  5. most likely... which would 'splain why most of us are missing ours too - :cheers: There is one screws (per side) on underside of bumper which hold in wheel well liner but I doubt they also hold this spoiler in place but they might.
  6. Might this work? http://www.suncoastparts.com/product/999L65009140B.html?Category_Code=997_Carrera_S_Interiorradio If not, maybe give Ryan or Ric a call at Suncoast to let them know exactly what you did and they should be able to supply needed parts. Good luck :)
  7. Sylvania Silverstars are pricey but good. In my experience though they don't last all that long. No experience w/ Philips Vision Stars but they make great quality HID bulbs (which I have a few sets of). Either choice should be fine. Couple of other notes... If you have an Advance Auto near you, find their latest coupon mail for $10 off or buy online w/ their discount code and pick up in store. In non-HID set up, your low, high and fog lights all use H7 bulbs so you can swap around in a pinch. Buy the twin pack and just go ahead and replace both sides at once. In my many years of experience, opposite side goes w/in a week or two. So you might as well save $ buying twin pack and time changing both sides now... unless you know of some reason why one side failed prematurely. Good luck :)
  8. and by long, he means much longer than keys in typical folding sets sold in stores as you've discovered. A long handled T set should reach but if you don't already have you'll find it more economical to use a 5-in-1 screwdriver (which you probably already have) and then get a 3" extension & 5mm bit which fit. If not magnetized, throw a little tape around the connections to secure (which I do even though mine is magnetized as a just in case...) Good luck :)
  9. x2 battery or cables seem suspect...
  10. Don't know your MY but presume you have a 997.1... To my knowledge, only way to get phone option is to also buy the add on Bluetooth accessory kit for Dension. This is completely separate from the OEM phone option (which is only applicable for Europe cars/phones) built in our cars... thus why your dealer probably has no idea. I don't think Porsche offered factory phone integration (aka BlueTooth) on 997s until the 997.2 in '09 (though I think it was available in peppers prior). Eric @ bumperplugs.com is a Dension distributor and can provide you w/ the accessory and more info as you need. Good luck :)
  11. That looks like the aspheric mirror, no? If so, it'll be -02 at the end, not -01, correct?
  12. you'd also need to add the position sensors and wiring for the auto level feature, but that's a lot more hassle than it's worth and minimally helpful to the driver...
  13. If you turn on via PCM your xenons will also turn on [at full power too since they aren't 'dimmable'] as they normally do under this setting. In order to get them [RotTecs] to function as just DRLs w/o any other lights on, you'll need to add the Dectane DRL module. 5 page thread on these over at 6speedonline but you probably already know that... http://www.6speedonl...ics-videos.html Good luck :)
  14. Suncoast no help? Strange as they've always been very helpful for me - talk to Ric Knab or Ryan. Only suggestion is to retrace your steps again and test wiring and receptacle again w/ your multimeter and make sure plug is seated correctly on back side as sometimes they are tight and can get knocked out of position. That said, some people get annoyed w/ the cig lighter being 'always on'. There is an off chance previous owner may have had it re-wired to switched (it's a PITA, but doable). So, test it w/ car on too just in case. Worst case scenario, you can always do a direct connect to the battery for your maintainer. I have a c-tek unit and hooked up the eyelets to the battery for long term winter storage and only use cig lighter option for short term maintaining (like when I'll be gone for three weeks or so). As well, you could always add a separate cig lighter to the hidden phone power cord in the center console... Remove carpeted panel by pulling outward 1-2" at red arrow on either one in driver or passenger foot well. When it pops, slide it forward into the footwell to release the slide tabs: Look/reach around in there for a 4 conductor plug... it might be taped down but it looks like this Then, hit your local parts store and pick up an extra cig lighter receptacle and some splice-tap connectors. Hook it up accordingly to the always on lead: I had done mine like this for an accessory which I wanted to turn on/off w/ ignition switch. Bonus is you'll have an extra (when you get your other one working ;) ) cig lighter to use. Good luck :)
  15. If the tips are chrome... you'll likely get ~ $2-250 for them but much less if just SS (I asked $275 for my chrome ones and accepted $225 which seemed to be going price). Cans... pretty much need based so if you find someone desperate (say a lease turn in going back to stock) you could get ~ $500. Otherwise likely ~$300 or so. Throw some ads out there on the various boards... may take some time for cans but unless you need them gone for cash or space, let it ride and just bump it occasionally. Enjoy your new PSE... did they wire it fully in (w/ S/C or separate PSE switch) or leave open all the time or add a supplemental switch? Just curious. :)
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