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    2002 C4S

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  1. Not sure what it was. Either pump lost prime and packing it with the assembly lube did it or it was the releif valve (that I checked twice)
  2. My old man came by and helped me out. We took apart the oil pump and the releif valve for the 3rd time...packed it with engine assembly grease, gave two quick start & shut off, and on the 3rd shot we got over 5 bar on the mechanical guage! ? deposit returned, lol My guess is something to do with that releif valve. Just glad it finally has oil pressure. Thanks for the suggestions JFP
  3. Good idea but someone just put a deposit on it...I give up. Thanks for trying
  4. Solenoids/actuators made no difference. ?
  5. Ok, still skeptical on how this would cause 0 oil pressure but I'm pretty desperate at this point and willing to try anything. The guage doesnt even budge. That has to be one massive leak then.
  6. I get that. Totally do. But 0 pressure?
  7. And just reading further....the actuators and solenoids wouldnt cause 0 oil pressure. Those are fed with oil and dont dictate oil pressure. If I'm wrong in that thinking....please let me know. I'm frustrated and pulling out parts for nothing just aggravated that....
  8. Scavenger pumps are even more simple than the oil pump. I dont think that would be my cause of 0 oil pressure. All these things do is return the oil to the sump.
  9. I didnt remove the one that sits at the end of the heads. Just removed the gasket and pulled the valve cover. The 'middle' one was pulled, it has a spring at the end that was re installed correctly. Theres also a small "C" indent so you dont install them incorrectly. But now I am second guessing myself. I'll pull them and check since the exhaust is off.
  10. It's still strange. Engine ran great before being pulled for the timing chain repair If it's a plug, I have very, very bad luck. And everything I've read in the last 45 min about freeze plugs shows intermix issues. Sludge like crazy....
  11. aren't those for the cooling system, if they were missing, wouldnt I be losing coolant?
  12. wouldn't I still have some pressure though?
  13. Ok, thanks again. I'll try a few more things but I'm not disassembling the motor again, I'll sell it at a major loss before I go through that again. this car absolutely hates me. that's quite obvious.
  14. The car starts with no issues, idle seems with fine with no unusual noises, but I shut it off rather quickly when I get the warning on the dash.
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