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About gordon24

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  • From
    Newcastle WA
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2002 Cerrera 4 Cabriolet
  • Future cars
    997.2 C4S
  • Former cars
    2007 Honda Civic SI, 1993 BMW 535i

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Community Answers

  1. thanks for the information, perspective and guidance. Fortunately I have time to consider/deliberate. I'll update the forum once I know my way forward.
  2. thank you, are you familiar with any good sources to connect with. I have the shop looking for me as well.
  3. On a good note, I was 2 weeks a way from doing my IMS, Clutch, flywheel and AOS ... saved that money anyway.
  4. I've read a couple of posts describing other's experiences with engine failure. My 02 C4 Cab engine lost power, sent lots of smoke out the back and then went silent while in the center lane of 405 south out of Bellevue on a Friday afternoon; just lovely. I had the car on the side of the road, engine off in about 30 seconds. Quick check at Chris's German and there's water in the cylinders. Seems not to matter if cylinder wall crack or other source, an engine rebuild and/or replace seems only course of action. Given the cost of a factory swap estimated at $36K with refund (~$16k) for core or LN Engineering 3.8 conversion for $15K to $20K the economics just seem out of balance. I'm looking for lower cost options like a used engine or just sell the car as-is. Any members have experience with engine replacements or selling a car with an engine in need of rebuild?
  5. I used the suggestion of cleaning/lubricating the windshield header and it definitely lowered the noise, still chasing others but thank you for offering such a simple fix ...
  6. Loren, Perfect and thank you!
  7. This is great discussion and I really appreciate the points and perspectives people are sharing. I use my 02 C4S as a daily driver with limited track time. I've built a list of all the cool performance things I could do and, once I added the column up I quickly realized I need a plan. I remind myself I could quickly get a much greater level of performance at a lower cost just simply selling my car and getting into a 996 Turbo. I've rationalized my approach now: 1. Simply enjoy driving a great car everyday to/from work along with weekend trips through the incredible mountain roads here in the NW. 2. Upgrade on failure; my cats went so I put in 200 cell x-design and changed to a BMC air filter ... some torque add and nice exhaust notes, when mufflers fail I'll upgrade those and do headers at the same time. 3. Do the essential maintenance needed for longevity; I've installed the LN Engineering spin on oil filter adapter and shortened my oil change intervals to 5K miles. My next action will be LMS/RMS with clutch, flywheel and AOS as needed. So many different approaches depending on you goals, budget and patience. I've reached the conclusion that as long as I'm not doing something that's just plain dumb it's hard go wrong. For me, having a clear set of priorities has really helped me keep perspective. I've learned so much from this forum since buying my car 18 months and 15K miles ago; my personal thank you to Loren and all the folks that contribute.
  8. This is a great discussion and I'd like to access the TSB's but I'm unsure how to get to them ... I am a contributing member and searched in the members area as well and still no luck. Any ideas where I can find these?
  9. I leave my down for months at a time ... I also use the Raggtop products
  10. Thanks again, I really appreciate the help. I'll post when I'm done.
  11. Thank you, I'll try this approach tonight and see how I get on with it. I thought there had to be a simple way to get access but a little hesitant to just start prying on things, really appreciate the picture here. Curious, do you think I need to remove the radio or other stuff to get access to the catch as illustrated for #3?
  12. Looking for help on a switch issue. I have an '02 C4 Cab and when trying to put my top down yesterday, the switch just pushed right through whatever is supposed to hold it in place and is now hanging by wires inside the dash. It's visible and with some monkeying around I was able to hold the up position long enough to clear the warning message. I have no idea how to get inside the dash or other way that I can reseat the switch. I also suspect that this happened because some fit/lock failed and as a result may warrant replacing a component to get a good fit again. Any ideas/experiences welcome. thx, Gordon
  13. so awesome and thank you ... this actually looks like something I can do myself ...
  14. The rubber seals that sit on the leading edge of the rear window and seal the gap between rear/front window are old and starting to tear. I'd like to replace both the driver and passenger side seals(?) or gaskets(?) ... whatever they are called. I've not been able to identify these in any of the parts catalogs I've gone through. Is this something you can help me identify a part number for? Thank you, Gordon
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