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jl-c last won the day on March 6 2019

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About jl-c

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  • From
    Telford Shropshire UK
  • Porsche Club
    PCGB (Porsche Club Great Britain)
  • Present cars
    997 C2S, BMW 330d, Mazda MX5
  • Future cars
    Whatever takes my fancy and fits my wallet!
  • Former cars
    Porsche 911(930) SSE, Lotus Esprit, Lotus Elite, Lotus Europa, Lotus Elan, Porsche 944S (with S2 engine!), BMW 327, BMW 528, BMW 535, BMW 330, Jaguar XK8, and lots of lesser cars!

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Community Answers

  1. The MOST loop must be completed either by the units the car expects or as you say loops. The errors are the clue.
  2. for future reference Gumipfledge on your seals and run a credit card between glass and seal before opening car. If the window is dropping and raising correctly when opening and closing the door, then the regulator and motor must be OK as long as it is the same amount as previously? Sounds to me as if the switch has failed, not unusual but cannot explain the thumps unless the cables were a bit loose and the slack was being taken up by the ratchet.
  3. there should be 2 holes in it to put a tool through and pull it out.
  4. E-bay Porsche trim clips, I just bought an assorted box of them. Cheap enough, remember Porsche don't make them, they probably buy them from E-bay too ?
  5. Technical data Transmission type: G97/01 Equipment: 6-gear Installed in: Carrera (997) and Carrera S (997) Model Year: 2005 Transmission ratios 1st gear: 3.91 2nd gear: 2.32 3rd gear: 1.61 4th gear: 1.28 5th gear: 1.08 6th gear: 0.88 Reverse gear: 3.59 Final drive ratio: 3.44 Filling capacities Manual transmission Filling capacity for dry transmission with differential Filling capacity 2.9 litre Manual transmission Change quantity for changing transmission oil Filling capacity 2.6 litre
  6. Mine did pretty much the same, drove it into the garage, all ok, come to drive it again, one side low! Seems they have removed what little lead content there was from them (so I was informed) and they just snap! Apparently quite a well known issue in the independents world. BMW springs do the same, had a couple fail on them.
  7. The Durametric is a great tool, but also dangerous! You have to think before pushing the button "what will this actually do?" Well done for finding it though!
  8. OK thanks, just me I guess? I’ll find something else to worry about! Still think its crazy that it should be so finicky though, whats wrong with a proper dipstick? ??
  9. This is an odd question I know, bare with me it makes sense. What part of our 911 ‘s is level? At home my drive way looks level to me, at work the car park looks level to me, the oil level disagrees! Check the oil at home, it is one bar low, check at work it’s full. I put a spirit level on the door sill cover it reads differently from the outermost surface of the door aperture, I decided as this has the be part of the shell and nothing is stuck to it (as the sill cover is) then it must be the most level part of the car. Level test at home, rear down a little, level test at work seems to be level, so check oil at work? Agree or disagree?
  10. Mine when I had it had Bridgestone RE05A's on. Loved them and grip was great wet and dry, when they died I thought everyone says how good the Michelins are so I went for a set of Pilot Sports 2, they are horrible. Not progressive at all, they snap out at the limits, and they are so noisy. The Bridgestones telegraph what they are doing, the Michelins don't. Running 2005 Carrera 2S with standard 19" Classic wheels. Next time Brigestone definately. My opinion, yours may differ!
  11. Thank you. Good advice as usual. Now I know what I am letting myself in for!
  12. Help please. Front Road spring broken on 2005 PASM 911S Coupe. Unsure from manual but do I have to remove the strut from the wheel carrier? Or, will it fold down on the lower ball joints/arms once the top mount is released sufficient to get the spring off? I also assume replace in pairs? Many thanks!
  13. OK, but I ask as if you update files in the wrong order and have an early amp then you are in for a world of pain! However if you say that is not the case, then it implies a break in the MOST loop?
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