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hcheun last won the day on February 29 2024

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    Black 2004 Porsche Cayenne S
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  1. Thanks Ahsai! this is very helpful! Just wanted to make sure that the p0336 was related or not.
  2. Thanks hahnmgh63, unfortunately i'm in CA where we're force to do it every 2 years. The smog place I go to does OBD codes and tail pipe sniff (because they don't have a 4wd dyno) Hope someone here in CA can chime in on this, as I'm really hankerin on doing this upgrade!
  3. Hi All I know that I probably have to change out my crankshaft Position Sensor (CPS) for the P0335, but is the P0366 related and will go away if i change the crankshaft sensor? or is that a different sensor for P0336? Also wasn't sure if the P0455 error code was for my fuel filter, or for my fuel carbon filter! Please help!
  4. I was interested in doing this on my 04 cayenne, but am worried about passing smog. Anyone had issues with this? Wanted to get your thoughts and what you guys did to fix if you didn't pass.. Thanks!
  5. have you checked your bearings on your car? that's another reason, high drag on the tires could cause it as well. Also noticed if your tires are being eaten up quicker than often? Definitely check those
  6. Ditto on what wvicary has said. It all really depends on a couple of things like where did you buy the cluster (i.e. ebay, junkyard or new from dealership) and also make sure that any codes you don't have, ask the dealer if they can disable it. Most of them they can, if not, then heck, it's just something you gotta live with. Or do like some have done, and just get the sensors installed.
  7. To reply on both of you , everything works fine, no incompatabilities or misinformation or wrong info reporting, all is nominal! the only thing i will say is if you do not have a certain feature set (i.e. if you don't have TPMS installed) it will error out. I'm going to install this myself, as I found out what the dealer does to install this, and have my local tire guy install the tire sensors for me. hope this answers you all! - Hunter
  8. Well from what I heard or read, people have been saying you can change the transmission fluids , and not sure if it's the same as the turbo.
  9. Hey Guys, and hopefully Loren can chime in, but could someone point or send me some info on how to change the transmission fluid on my transmission and rear axel? It's been giving me those long pauses and slipping and it's overdue since i've racked in about 70k+ anyhelp is appreciated Thanks P.s. - I'll post pictures too of it, just like when i did the cluster change :D
  10. I think the fenders will need replacing; if you look , the fenders on the 04 CS and the 08 TURBO are totally different. Also keep i think the rear bumper is a different mold and might be hard to install unless some customization. If you really need to, just look at an 04 and 08 side by side and you'll notice the suttle differences.
  11. hi im in Bergen County NJ jack daniels is my dealer of porsche but they didnt correc tmy mileage and my menu had a problem with th ecomfort menu being cut off... mileage has to be set with less than 10 or so miles on it dealer cant correct anything else i asked marco As i think i stated in one of the other forum replies, most of these options, a i have repeatedly asked and trial and error'ed , will not be able to be resolved. So be forwarned! The only was is to install these options, and quite frankly it's not logical unless you have the cash! That or you're crazy like me and install a TPMS sensor because it was driving me nuts hahah! ;-)
  12. LoL sorry for the WAY late reply But yes, if you haven't already done so. All of the clusters from the base cayenne to the S can be changed.
  13. Yes the Navgation will work on the LCD center console. I tested it several weeks ago when I was strolling around town in Long Beach, California, an area im not too familiar with, and we were looking for a Brazilian BBQ place, low and behold, the center console worked, arrows and all after i input the destination for the nav to search for.
  14. Hey AlienGG I think it may need a TSB for QR1 , which is the compass option , its only $80 US, but the cluster i bought didn't have it working straight out of the box. I'll tinker/research more about it and let you and everyone else know.
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