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  1. So with some help from ECS Tuning I found out fuse 22 on passenger side fuse box keeps blowing. It doesn't blow until you turn on the seat warmer. Also it doesn't matter which one you turn on - you can turn on the driver first or passenger first and it will blow. Where can I look now? Do they have a relay that controls both seats? If so where? I know on the previous years its under the dash but when I looked on the relay box underdash mines empty vs the previous years in that particular spot there was a relay.
  2. were you ever able to fix this? if so how?
  3. hey man let me know where at.. im not far from duluth.. pm the info.. maybe i can look this weekend for you
  4. hrmm what about this knob underneath the drivers dash?
  5. when i do put it on cd changer the box works with rca cables however i cant close the glove box.. i have not been able to get the aux cable to work though
  6. We just recently acquired a 08 CTT and I can't get the rear cd changer or head unit one to work. It has this aux usb cord in glove box but I can't get any sound out of it even when I set head unit on AUX. I also have a iPhone 4 fat blade style cord in glove box. I did buy a white and red RCA to 3.5mm jack to plug in to my phone and did get it to work however I can't close the glove box. Does anyone have any input?
  7. dealer recommends it every 48k or 6 years. It has a filter built inside the reservoir and supposedly the PDCC system is very sensitive to any dirt in the system.. $50 a sense of security is good for me.
  8. DIY 2008 CTT PDCC Reservoir Replacement Well I tackled this job today and it was super easy. I think all in all it took me about 20 minutes or so. I took pictures for anyone else that wants to do it themselves. I would recommend if you plan on doing the power steering reservoir then I would do it the same time. The reason why is you have to remove the PDCC reservoir out of the way to do the Power Steering reservoir. Both reservoirs are the exact same item, same part number and all atleast on my 08 CTT. Author VIPNiSS Category Cayenne (9PA, 9PA1) - Common Fixes and Repairs Submitted 01/25/2015 03:27 PM
  9. Well I tackled this job today and it was super easy. I think all in all it took me about 20 minutes or so. I took pictures for anyone else that wants to do it themselves. I would recommend if you plan on doing the power steering reservoir then I would do it the same time. The reason why is you have to remove the PDCC reservoir out of the way to do the Power Steering reservoir. Both reservoirs are the exact same item, same part number and all atleast on my 08 CTT.
  10. Well I tackled this job today and it was super easy. I think all in all it took me about 20 minutes or so. I took pictures for anyone else that wants to do it themselves. I would recommend if you plan on doing the power steering reservoir then I would do it the same time. The reason why is you have to remove the PDCC reservoir out of the way to do the Power Steering reservoir. Both reservoirs are the exact same item, same part number and all atleast on my 08 CTT.
  11. Based on this it looks like you can do it under the hood.. http://www.pelicanparts.com/techarticles/Porsche-Cayenne/63-ELEC-Charging_and_Jump_Starting_your_Cayenne/63-ELEC-Charging_and_Jump_Starting_your_Cayenne.htm
  12. Are you sure about that? From what I see the part numbers are the same for both the PDCC and Steering reservoir.
  13. I believe Porsche recommends to change the PDCC reservoir every 48k miles or 6 years. Does anyone know if you need to do the same for the power steering reservoir? If not I wonder what is the difference between having to do the PDCC reservoir changed vs the power steering?
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