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  1. My system worked and I didn't need the diagnostic routines, I didn't consider it worth the cost of getting Porsche to enable the option within the DME. The wiring is very simple but the coding slightly more awkward for the DIY'er.
  2. Good stuff. As mentioned before, it's a very simple system and an easy retrofit. :)
  3. It's a subtle effect and not the same as going to high beam. If it wasn't working the headlamps would not go through the start up and self levelling cycle, there would be no movement at all. You've done it. :)
  4. Sorry no you don't need to do any of that. It's literally one bolt and a push on clip to the arm, it's very straightforward to do. It bolts onto this (on either the upper or lower bolt on the left hand side of this crossmember that hold the black section onto the alloy section on the car - sorry can't remember which but it was obvious enough when I did it), the plastic section just pushes straight into the arm and the plastic pin is pushed through to spread the lugs and job done
  5. I found there was a narrow range on the sensors where the headlamps responded, this was a small range either side of where 'level' would be when they were positioned on the car. Anything out with that obviously didn't make sense to the litronic ECU and there was no response.
  6. If you read my post you'll see how Porsche do it..... Switched live from the heated washers!!!!!!! On signal from the headlamps!!!!!!! No need to go to the ignition switch, no need to muck about with fuses! It's a simple system, don't overthink it. Well done for persevering. :)
  7. Ok pins are as follows from my install using an original fit ECU and loom/. Pins 1-4 are for the left hand headlamp AHVAC (follow the colour codes) Pins 5-8 are for the right hand headlamp AHVAC (As above) Pin 18 - earth (Brown) Pin 15 - signal on high beam (white) Pin 10 - signal on light (Grey) Pin 13 - rear sensor signal return (blue) Pin 12 - front sensor signal return (blue) Pin 14 - +5V supply to both sensors (both red/white - doesn't matter which goes to which) Pin 16 - switched 12V (Black/red) Pin 17 - earth for both sensors. (Brown/black) These are all you need for the system to work properly. The pin 10 to pin 16 jumper essentially provides a switched 12v and should work, however I followed the OEM approved retrofit way with tapping into the heated washer jet +12V for that. I would go with what is there, leave the jumper in place and see if it works as it should.
  8. Bear in mind that you are using a factory 'behind the dash' install and loom to do a retrofit (inside the boot) ergo some of the wiring is going to be different, again don't overthink it. You need to plumb in both sensors and light clusters. You need an earth You need a switched 12V (taken from the feed to the heated washers is the factory approved way of doing it) You need two signal feeds from the light cluster (taken from the wiring right next to the mounting position for the ECU) one to tell the ECU that the lights have been switched on (the feed to the low beam) and one to tell it that full beam has been selected, so they rotate up. I don't have access to a wiring diagram at the moment (it's Saturday night and I'm doing family stuff) but that's all you need, nothing more nothing less, it will work with this. I'll check for a diagram tomorrow and feed back more then.
  9. Lol Thick bar steward is a self deprecating euphimism in this context. The thick part infers that, on this occasion, I was being a bit stupid, the bar steward is the euphimism relating to me perhaps being fatherless at this point ;) I'll try and proof read what you've done over the next couple of days. :)
  10. 1. One big enough for the bolt but only barely! 2. I just put it in the middle of the dimple that Porsche use for this (look at the pictures you've taken from my thread, you can see it! :) ) 3. I don't think so but there are only 2 big bolts that go through the black crossmember into the aluminium sub frame that goes over the driveshaft on that side, it mounts on here (put the arm onto the coffin arm mount and you'll see where it sits easily enough) 4. I took the wires up to join the wiring at the back of the left headlamp and joined it into the loom there with the feeds to that headlamp and into the shell through the large grommet that this all runs through. A metal coathanger, gaffer tape and silicon spray are your friends when it comes to getting the new wires through without cutting the grommett.
  11. Looked at the wiring diagram and what I had on mine, the retrofit kit didn't use pins 9 and 11, so neither did I. It's the grey and the white that are your 2 power feeds. I suspect that there may have been a possibility for adjusting view range with speed but I've never heard of that being implemented in either a factory fit or aftermarket (you'd end up with the possibility of blinding other drivers as you got faster with that) My Audi S8 has a speed signal to the light ECU but that's because it angles the headlamps as you corner at low speed, the Boxster doesn't do that. With both suspension sensors connected it measures the angle of the car and adjusts the headlamps accordingly, it just works. It's dead easy to rig it up with a 12V battery or power supply on the bench, just make sure that the ECU, both headlamps and both sensors are jury rigged in correctly, connect the earth and the two 12V signal wires and start to play with your sensors. The headlamps will do a calibration/movement cycle and that's you. Going to so the headlamp washers as well? Done half a job otherwise.......... ;)
  12. If you mount the ECU in the factory approved space (eg the same as mine) the cable you need is right next to it.......... Do you actually need the speed signal? Mine wasn't wired for that at all.
  13. I'll give you clues here! You've got a high beam signal but what about low beam/initial turn on??? ;) There are 2 different ECU's but they perform identically so no need to worry about that, I can't advise about the pins.
  14. Since I bought the connectors on their own, I just made up my own loom which was straightforward, I'd rather do that than disturb the pins in the connectors but I can understand your motives on that one. I'm watching this thread and if I see something I can help with, I will. :)
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