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  1. Maybe this might helped. I've done this a while ago. http://www.renntech.org/forums/tutorials/article/346-05-ctt-pressure-pipe-o-ring-diy/
  2. Thanks. I will do that before ordering the parts.
  3. Hi Fellas and Gals, I'm sure this issue came up in the past. I have not be able to find it. My 05 CTT CEL came up and the code is P0431 bank 2. I did some research and found out that the code is related to these symptoms. The catalytic converter is no longer functioning properly An oxygen sensor is not reading (functioning) properly There is an exhaust leak Have any of you had this code? What parts triggered this? I'm thinking its the O2 sensor. Is there a CTT DIY page how remove the O2? Thank you.
  4. I had the same leak on my 05 TT. Here's what I found and I made a DIY. You might want to copy that title and hit search on the forum where I posted. Hope this helps. DIY 05 CTT Pressure Pipe O-ring removal
  5. It's a fair price. It would of cost me $980 for my indy to do my all of my brake job. To save money I brought my own parts total of $650 and do my own labor. It took me 2 1/2 hours of labor to finish the job. So if you really look it this way..I would charge $350 for labor as well. It would come close to my indy quoted me. I have a 2005 CTT.
  6. If you search in Rennlist.com. "DIY 05 CTT Pressure-Pipe O-ring removal" here you will find the info. Sorry couldn't figure out the link.
  7. I did a DIY. Maybe this might helped. You have to wiggle it. I had enough room b/c my air filter box was replaced with cold air systems. I recommend you to remove your air box. http://cayenne.rennlist.com/cayenne/forum.htm
  8. (click images to enlarge them) Download a PDF of this here: 05 CTT Pressure Pipe O-ring DIY removal.pdf
  9. 05 CTT Pressure Pipe O-ring DIY (click images to enlarge them) Download a PDF of this here: 05 CTT Pressure Pipe O-ring DIY removal.pdf Author Bansasn Category Cayenne (9PA, 9PA1) - Common Fixes and Repairs Submitted 11/03/2013 08:49 PM Updated 11/03/2013 08:50 PM
  10. If your coolant leak looks like this than its the water pump. This is my 05 CTT. It just happened a couple days ago and my Indy is replacing the water pump as we speak. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnRp4VaKjZI
  11. Thank you for the how to instructions. Would you have the part number for the (green) gasket? Is this something Porsche dealer carried?
  12. First of all thank you for the reply. I'm not sure about the cause of the oil. All I can see is that the oil come out b/w the pressure pipe and turbo being clamped. Are there supposed to be oil in these pipes? If not is the turbo blowing oil? If so...is this a sign the turbo is about to fail? From the video I posted, do you think its just the O ring need to be replaced? The pipe/hose running to the IC have not leak. Again thank you.
  13. 05 CTT. Anyone experienced removing the pressure pipe on the driver side? Mine is leaking where the pressure pipe & the turbo connects. There are a lot of play when I wiggled the pressure pipe. Any advice on removing is appreciated. Thanks in advance. Here is a video what I am talking about.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdlar_NLx5I
  14. In the high way I don't look at the mph. I look at my rpm and maintain it at 2000rpm. I get 16-18mpg every time.
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