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About markny

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    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
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    1976 914, 1998 986, 2002 986S

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  1. '05 base 987 with 7K miles no leaks from RMS...half quart of oil in the first 2K miles...none since. 2005 987S 24,000 miles (picked up in 3/05--first boat shipment of custom ordered cars for US.) No RMS leak. Power steering leaks at rack and pump on 2 different occasions.
  2. yes, definitely covered under warranty (have no idea on the cost of parts)--hopefully it will stay fixed.
  3. See my post on 987S -- rear trailing arm bad bushing inboard--sounded like thumping noise behind head of driver and passenger--took 6 months for someone at my dealer to figure out.
  4. Have been complaining to my dealer for 6 months about thumping noise behind both driver and passenger (since 12,000 miles), when car was cold (in winter) only over small bumps, not big ones. Various techs at dealer drove car and said no noise. This week I took out head tech at dealer because of tire balancing issue (actually bad Michelin PS2 tire from Tire Rack--replaced within 24 hr.) but he heard noise and said it was from a bad bushing on the inboard connection of the rear trailing arms--said he had just fixed this in a 986. Both trailing arms (987-331-043-02) replaced under warranty--and noise is gone! Now happy, but have been trying to get rid of this annoying noise for 6 months!!!
  5. Noticed noise with wheel turning (while driving), checked fluid, very low, refilled and went to dealer. There was a leak in front, drivers side--but this was so slow that although there was fluid in the plastic liner under the car, it had not dripped in the garage. When up on the lift, dealer could see that it had leaked but could not make it leak with engine on. Fluid went down again after week of driving, dealer finally agreed that it was leaking--from the crimp fitting on the pressure line. Car has had about 12 days on track. Last tracked 4-06. Did not appear to leak until 6 weeks later. 986's have been know to leak power steering fluid, supposedly secondary to increased heat in fluid with heavy track use. Not sure if this is related. Hope not. Dealer replaced: 999-230-543-40 rubber o-ring 999-230-542-40 rubber o-ring 997-347-451-03 AS pressure line 987-347-449-10 AS return line 999-230-552-10 pressure line conn. 999-230-551-10 pressure line conn. 999-230-683-40 safety clip 999-230-584-40 circlip 996-347-769-01 steering line supor Now ok for last 2 days--will track again in July.
  6. probably louder but I didn't think it made a big difference in sound--but went to the trouble of fabricating screen and attaching, so I left it off :unsure:
  7. Removed the restrictor/splash plate, 1 year ago, left snork. Better sound? probably no difference in performance. But have never been able to get the outer grill as well seated and wiggle free as it was before removing the first time.
  8. Trailer Hitch for 987 Attached you will find seven (7) labeled pictures and dimensions of my 987 trailer hitch. I think the pictures show most of the dimensions that you will need. This was fabricated last spring and used last DE season to pull my HF tire trailer. The long back plate is 1/4" steel, the L-shape tongue 5/16" and the license plate holders 1/8". The construction requires significant welding. For safety, the tongue is both welded and bolted through to the bumper. The main hitch bolt was fabricated fr Author markny Category Boxster/Cayman (987-1) - Mods Submitted 03/22/2006 03:16 PM
  9. Attached you will find seven (7) labeled pictures and dimensions of my 987 trailer hitch. I think the pictures show most of the dimensions that you will need. This was fabricated last spring and used last DE season to pull my HF tire trailer. The long back plate is 1/4" steel, the L-shape tongue 5/16" and the license plate holders 1/8". The construction requires significant welding. For safety, the tongue is both welded and bolted through to the bumper. The main hitch bolt was fabricated from scratch using the tow hook in the tool set as a model. The spacers (1/8" thick pipe) have steel washers welded to the tops so that they can be inserted into the 3 holes and will not fall through before the hitch is put in place. The hitch will NOT work without them and will damage your bumper cover. The only modification to the car are the two extra holes in the bumper cover then drilled through to the actual bumper and tapped to fit thread. These two bolts (do not over tighten--these are steel bolts in an aluminum bumper) only stabilize the mount and prevent it from turning on the main bolt which carries all the load. I put Loctite blue on all three bolts during assembly to the car. Have used on 5 trips up to 300 miles and at speeds up to 85 mph without the hitch ever being loose at the end. I do check it and the trailer periodically during the trip. This hitch is way more work to install and use than the Will Hitch, but having used both, this is clearly more stable. This was for the most part built at a local independent Porsche shop. It took 4 hours to make, not including the welding of the main bar. We had to figure this out as we went along. With a design and measurements already created, it should take less time and money $$$. Of course this design is only a suggestion that has worked for me. I do not guarantee the device or warranty it's performance or dependability in any way. Mark-NY
  10. front 8 x 18 with 57 mm offset rear 9 x 18 with 43 mm offset
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